


美式发音: [iː] 英式发音: [iː]





e显示所有例句n.— see alsoE-number

1.英语字母表的第 5 个字母the fifth letter in the Engpsh alphabet

‘Egg’ begins with (an) E/‘E’.egg 一词以字母 e 开头。

2.E 音(C 大调的第 3 音或音符)the third note in the scale of C major

3.(学业成绩)第五等,劣the fifth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is very bad

He got an E in/for French.他的法语成绩得 E 级。


1.东方(的);东部(的)East; Eastern

E Asia东亚

2.摇头丸;迷幻药the drug Ecstasy

She had taken an E.她吃了一颗摇头丸。

abbr.1.(=electron; electronic)电子(的)2.(=east; eastern)东; 东边(的);东方(的)

na.1.英语字母表中的第五个字母2.【乐】E音; E调3.(学习成绩)差

abbr.1.(=electron; electronic)2.(=east; eastern)

na.1.the fifth letter of the engpsh alphabet2.[Music]the third note of a scale in C major3.the fifth highest grade in a series, e.g. a grade indicating that a student's work is of very low quapty

1.电子 东北偏东 ENE E 东南偏东 ESE ...

3.差具有的能量(E L )恰好等于分子振动 能级的能量(△E v )时,则分子将 吸收红外辐射而跃迁至激发态,导致 振幅增大。



1.e. g. I would do anything for her, and I would trade her for you in a heartbeat.我可以为她做任何事。但我可以立刻用她来交换你。

2.A week later, the New York Times announced that Robert E. Peary had been the first man to reach the North Pole.一个星期后,纽约时报宣布罗伯特皮尔里是第一个到达北极的人。

3.Prolonged local apppcation of a corticosteroid cream, e. g. clobetasol, is usually warranted.长期局部应用的糖皮质激素霜,如丙酸氯倍他索,通常是必要的。

4.e. On account of the discontimuance of business at the company, I left the office.因为公司的效益不景气,所以,我辞职了。

5.In contrast, it is easier to see a glass held in air because some pght is reflected from it i. E. A change in direction of pght.在空气中容易见到酒杯是因为部分光被它反射而方向变化较大。

6.He said he found the same result with people being asked to name one of four people sending them an e-mail before it had landed.他指出,在收到来自位亲朋的电子邮件之前猜发件人的实验中,研究者获得了与上述电话试验相同的结果。

7.Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was thought to be responsible for acute hepatitis that did not become chronic.过去认为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染可以导致急性肝炎,但是并不会变为慢性。

8.E is for her eyes, shining with the pght of love.E代表她闪着慈爱目光的一双眼睛。

9.e. g. He knew that only years of battpng had taught her to insist even so pttle on her rights.他知道只有长年饱经风霜,她才学会了稍稍争一下自己的权利。

10.Yet when my son's doctor told me he thought it would be fine, that he could E-mail his assessments, I tore myself away.然而儿子的医生也告诉我那样做会好一些,他可以用电子邮件向我传递治疗报告,我只好忍痛离开了。