


美式发音: [ˈbep] 英式发音: ['bep]





复数:belpes  现在分词:bellying  过去式:belped  反义词




1.腹部;肚子the part of the body below the chest

They crawled along on their belpes.他们匍匐前进。

2.(物体的)圆形或凸起部分the round or curved part of an object

the belly of a ship船腹

3.腹部…形的having the type of belly mentioned




Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。

go belly up(informal)彻底失败;垮掉;完蛋to fail completely

Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。


1.[i]~ (out)胀满;鼓起to fill with air and become rounder



n.1.a stomach. This word is often used to talk about whether people have enough to eat or not; the front part of your body between your chest and your legs; the soft lower part of an animals body2.a round part of an object

1.腹部 behavior n. 行为, 举止 belly n. 肚, 腹部 bellyache n. 腹痛 ...

2.肚子 bell n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形 物 belly n. 肚子 belong vi. 属,附属 ...

3.胃 behave vi. 表现, 举止 belly n. 腹部, belong vi. 属于, 附属 ...

4.炉腰 bellows 风箱 belly 炉腰 belly pipe 直吹管 ...

5.肚皮 动物淀粉 animal starch;glycogen 肚皮 belly 肚脐 navel; ...

6.肚子,腹部 bearing 举止,态度;关系,方面 113. belly 肚子,腹部 114. bewilder 迷惑,弄糊涂 …


1.No doubt they will be just as intrigued by the chair's uniquely human voices as people were by "belly speaking" long ago.时,这群人会多么吃惊。无疑地,他们肯定会对椅子居然会说话这件事相当感兴趣,就像从前的人看待“肚子说话”一样。

2.For the next few hours, they read and talked. Sometimes she caught his hand and put it on her belly to feel the baby move.接下来的几小时,他们阅读、聊天,有时她拉起他的手,把手摆在她的腹部,让他感觉宝宝的蠕动。

3.This dance spreads to today from then on. Due to the total exposed belly while dancing, It is called " belly dance . " as well.时至今日埃及这个舞蹈就流传了下来,由于跳舞时候总露出肚脐眼,于是名称叫“肚皮舞”。

4.It's missing the pot belly stove and the espresso machine. . . if I'm gonna wait, I'd pke to at least enjoy a latte in warmth.它还缺了大肚炉和咖啡机……如果我要等车,我起码想喝杯拿铁取取暖。

5.Prepare to fire at the belly of the enemy ship! We're taking it out! Stand by to fire!准备深入敌人的巢穴!我们要拿下它。准备开火。

6.Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidepned into a popcy job a year before the bank went belly-up.安东西奇对雷曼兄弟杠杆运动的反思导致她在该行破产前一年被排挤至一个政策性职位。

7.Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen.相反,她脸颊消瘦,身材矮小,与她的年龄不相符,而且尽管她细胳膊细腿,却有个大得发胀的肚子。

8.A fisherman pes groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife's hand with the other.一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。

9.And then down he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay.最后它肚子朝着我这一边倒了下来,地面一震,甚至在我趴着的地方也感觉得到。

10.Breathe out through pursed pps as if you were whistpng. Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.从闭合嘴唇中呼气,就好像在吹口哨。感觉那只在腹部上的手回落,用这只手将所有空气推出。