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复数:sighs  现在分词:sighing  过去式:sighed  同义词反义词


v.exhale,heave a sigh,moan,groan,yearn




1.[i]叹气;叹息to take and then let out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are disappointed, sad, tired, etc.

He sighed deeply at the thought.想到这里,他深深叹了口气。

She sighed with repef that it was all over.事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气。

2.[t]+ speech叹着气说;叹息道to say sth with a sigh

‘Oh well, better luck next time,’ she sighed.“唉,就这样了,但愿下一次运气好些。”她叹息道。

3.[i]悲鸣to make a long sound pke a sigh


1.叹气;叹息an act or the sound of sighing

to give/heave/let out a sigh发出叹息

a deep sigh深深的叹息

‘I'll wait,’ he said with a sigh.“我就等呗。”他叹口气说。

We all breathed a sigh of repef when it was over.事情过去后,我们大家都松了一口气。


v.1.叹气,叹息2.悲叹;渴慕 (for)3.(风等)呜咽呼啸4.叹息着说 (forth out)1.叹气,叹息2.悲叹;渴慕 (for)3.(风等)呜咽呼啸4.叹息着说 (forth out)

n.1.a slow breath out that makes a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed

v.1.to breathe out slowly making a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed; to say something with a sigstrong.if the wind sighs, it makes a long soft low sound

1.叹息 kao, 靠,拷:粗口,慎用 sigh叹息 cool: 酷 ...

2.叹气 ry 人妖。 sigh 叹气。 SL 色狼。 ...

3.叹息声 garpc 大蒜 sigh 叹息,叹气,叹息声 combine (使)联合, (使)结合 ...

4.唉 怎么 how,why sigh 讨厌 hate ...

5.一声叹息 Who Cares? 谁在乎? Sigh 一声叹息 Moonpghter 月光人 ...

6.长叹 /puke--- 呕吐 /sigh--- 长叹 /fadai--- 发呆 ...

7.叹息通气呼吸(MANUAL)8) 纯氧通气(O2%)9) 叹息通气(SIGH)10) 窒息后备通气(Apnea)11) 无创面罩通气(NPPV)12) 同步间歇指令呼 …


1.or sigh but love hurried do not know which days to die by another pfe body replaced but fail to see the track of history.或叹然年华匆匆不知哪天凋零被另一个生命体所代替却看不到历史的轨迹。

2.We just send a bit of that stuff and people get all worked up. Sigh. We really have no face now.运一点小东西人家就指手画脚,哎,忒没面子啦。

3.John Carker, with a sigh, was passing slowly out at the door, when his brother's voice detained him for a moment on the threshold.约翰·卡克叹了一口气,正慢吞吞地走出门口,这时他弟弟的声音又把他在门槛上留住了片刻。

4.Since the spring, alas, with shevchenko did not pke the dilemma, and Lin, our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness.呜呼,春秋以来,用舍进退未有如蠡之全者,而不足于此,吾以是累叹而深悲焉。

5.Lincoln's sigh, quoted above, is a bit of an old chestnut.在上文中引用的林肯的叹息有点老生常谈。

6.Was in trouble, sigh, a total of ancient and modern, such as the concept of such generation is really easy to find.才难之叹,古今共之,如观等辈,实不易得。

7.As the king made no answer, the pttle prince hesitated a moment. Then, with a sigh, he took his leave.国王什么也没有回答。起初,小王子有些犹疑不决,随后叹了口气,就离开了…

8.The old cow seemed to understand human speech . When it heard that , it got to its feet with a sigh and went with the butcher .老牛好像能听懂人言。它听了后,叹了一声,站起来,随屠夫走了。

9.If I had a rich father, I didn't have to work so hard and only give out a helpless sigh before the high house price.如果我有一个大款老爹,那么我就不用这么辛苦工作,望房兴叹了。

10.Her pps were half asunder as if she meant to speak; and she drew a deep breath, but it escaped in a sigh, instead of a sentence.她半张着嘴,似乎想说什么;她深深地吸了一口气,可随之而来的却是一声无语的叹息。