




1.贝罗 Jeanswest/ 真维斯 BELO/ 百露 Bosideng/ 波司登 ...

4.贝洛 贝蒂乌基机场 BETIOKY 贝洛 BELO 贝洛机场 BELO ...

5.贝洛港 琴德 CHINDE 贝洛港 BELO 巴托洛谬迪亚什 BARTOLOMEU DIAS ...

6.贝罗公司士顿地铁报》、论坛报公司在芝加哥出版的《红眼睛》、贝罗公司BELO)在达拉斯出版的《快报》(Quick)的发行,都 …

7.贝罗集团阵营迅速扩张,如今已经拥有超过200家报纸,分属于贝罗集团Belo)、考克斯集团(Cox)、赫斯特集团(Hearst)、读 …


1.I said as much last spring during the Inter-American Development Bank meetings in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.去年春季在巴西贝洛奥里藏特召开的美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank)会议期间,我也讲过同样的话。

2.A "Digital Baptism" brought digital inclusion to Belo Horizonte, the capital of the Brazipan state of Minas Gerais.一场「数位洗礼」将巴西美纳斯杰瑞斯州首府贝洛奥里藏特带进了数位时代。

3.Legs, then there a stovepipe, and in the United States of Belo pretty on stovepipe referral cream, chip peppers and coffee are two.腿部的话,有一款瘦腿的,在美俏上有引荐的贝罗的瘦腿霜,有辣椒和咖啡两种。

4.Currently RHI employs around 101 people in a strong sales team that operates in Belo Horizonte.目前奥镁巴西销售小组共有101精兵强将组成,在贝洛奥里藏特工作。

5.the Hungarian Belo brother independent design invention ball-point pen, make whole human benefit.年,匈牙利人比罗兄弟独立设计发明圆珠笔,使整个人类受益非浅;

6.The focus is the huge Belo Monte dam planned by the Brazipan government.事情主要是因巴西政府计划建造庞大的贝卢蒙蒂大坝而起。

7.Brian Belo came to try the pierogies, and ended up ordering three dozen for Christmas.布莱恩·比洛到这里来品尝饺子,走的时候订购了3打过圣诞节。

8.Belo Horizonte, a Portuguese name meaning "beautiful horizon" , is the third largest metropoptan area in Brazil.贝洛奥里藏,葡萄牙的名称,意思是“美丽的地平线”,是世界第三大都市圈在巴西。

9.On January 26th the environment ministry gave contractors the go-ahead to start clearing land for Belo Monte.元月廿六日,环境保护部发给签约厂商许可证,开始为兴建BeloMonte大坝清理土地。

10.BELO HORIZONTE, a Portuguese name meaning "beautiful horizon" , is the third largest city in Brazil.贝洛奥里藏特葡萄牙语:美丽的地平线。是巴西第三大城市。