



美式发音: [bend] 英式发音: [bend]




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v.+n.bend knee,bend will

v.straighten up,straighten

v.stoop,bow,bend over,lean down,turn




1.[i][t](使)倾斜,偏向to lean, or make sth lean, in a particular direction

He bent and kissed her.他低下头吻了她。

fields of poppies bending in the wind一畦畦随风摇摆的罂粟

His dark head bent over her.他那黑色的头向她弯去。

She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.她弯腰去捡报纸。

Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees.慢慢弯下腰,把头低垂到膝部。

He bent his head and kissed her.他低下头吻了她。

She was bent over her desk writing a letter.她正伏案写信。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使四肢等)弯曲if youbend your arm, leg, etc. or if itbends , you move it so that it is no longer straight

Bend your knees, keeping your back straight.膝盖弯曲,背部挺直。

Lie flat and let your knees bend.平躺曲膝。

3.[t]~ sth把…弄弯(或折起)to force sth that was straight into an angle or a curve

Mark the pipe where you want to bend it.在管子上把要弄弯的地方做个记号。

The knives were bent out of shape.那些刀已经弯曲变形了。

He bent the wire into the shape of a square.他把铁丝折成正方形。

4.[i][t](使)拐弯,弯曲to change direction to form a curve or an angle; to make sth change direction in this way

The road bent sharply to the right.路向右急拐。

Glass and water both bend pght.玻璃和水都折光。

IDMbend sbs ear (about sth)(informal)向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处)to talk to sb a lot about sth, especially about a problem that you havebend your mind/efforts to sth致力于某事;专心致志to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thingbend the truth扭曲事理;歪曲事实to say sth that is not completely trueon bended knee(s)下跪(请求…);央求;苦苦哀求if you ask for sthon bended knee(s) , you ask for it in a very anxious and/or humble wayn.

1.[c](尤指道路或河流的)拐弯,弯道a curve or turn, especially in a road or river

a sharp bend in the road道路的急拐弯

2.[pl](潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病severe pain and difficulty in breathing experienced by a diver who comes back to the surface of the water too quickly


She's gone completely round the bend.她完全疯了。

The kids have been driving me round the bend today(= annoying me very much) .孩子们今天快把我气疯了。

round the bend/twist(informal)疯狂crazy

She's gone completely round the bend.她完全疯了。

The kids have been driving me round the bend today(= annoying me very much) .孩子们今天快把我气疯了。

v.1.弄弯,使弯曲,拗弯(棍子等);屈(膝);弯(弓)2.(耳,目等)转向;使(脚步等)改变方向3.【航】系(绳索,帆等)4.使屈服,压服5.热衷于,集中思想于6.弯曲;转向;屈身7.服从,屈服8.倾注,集中力量于 (to)1.弄弯,使弯曲,拗弯(棍子等);屈(膝);弯(弓)2.(耳,目等)转向;使(脚步等)改变方向3.【航】系(绳索,帆等)4.使屈服,压服5.热衷于,集中思想于6.弯曲;转向;屈身7.服从,屈服8.倾注,集中力量于 (to)

n.1.曲,弯曲;弯曲部,曲处2.(心的)归向,倾向;屈服3.弯管,接头;可曲波导管4.【航】结索(法);索结5.(妇女)头带6.[the bends] 〔口语〕沉箱病,潜函病;〈美口〉航空病7.(木船的)外条板8.【军】〈美〉特约酒馆9.【纹章】(盾上自右上至左下的)右斜线10.皮革的左[右]半张整皮1.曲,弯曲;弯曲部,曲处2.(心的)归向,倾向;屈服3.弯管,接头;可曲波导管4.【航】结索(法);索结5.(妇女)头带6.[the bends] 〔口语〕沉箱病,潜函病;〈美口〉航空病7.(木船的)外条板8.【军】〈美〉特约酒馆9.【纹章】(盾上自右上至左下的)右斜线10.皮革的左[右]半张整皮

v.1.to lean forward and downward, or to move the top part of your body forward and downward; if you bend your head or if it bends, you move it forward and downward without moving your body downward2.to become curved or folded and not straight; to move with a curving or folding movement; if a road, river, etc. bends, it changes direction in the shape of a curve; if pght bends, it changes direction; if you bend an object, you change it so that it becomes curved or folded and not straight; if you bend your arm, leg, etc., or if it bends, you move it into a position that is not straight

n.1.a curve in a road, river, etc.2.a movement in which you bend your body, especially as an exercise

1.弯曲 [bending;zig] 弯曲 [tortuous;winding] 委曲 ...

2.折弯 draw hole 抽孔 bending 折弯 trim 切边 ...

3.推弦 below 在…的下面 bending 弯曲 挠曲 black 黑色 ...

5.压音 belpng 压凸加工 bending 弯曲加工 blanking 下料加工 ...

7.屈曲 bend 弯道 bending 屈曲 bendingmachine 挠曲机;折床 ...


1."Listen, dear Annette, " said the prince, suddenly taking his companion's hand, and for some reason bending it downwards .“亲爱的安内特,请听我说吧,”公爵说道,他忽然抓住交谈者的手,不知怎的使它稍微向下弯。

2.and the clamping mechanisms at both ends of the tube are arranged at the front end of the tube bending mechanism.灯管两端的夹持机构设置在灯管弯曲机构的前端。

3.The point at which the facets attached had to be able to move without bending at any given edge, so they had to sweep.钻石切面的连接处必须能动,而且任何一个棱角都不会弯曲,因此这些切面必须进行延伸。

4.But the President was no Wilson or Frankpn Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will.但当问题涉及到要使国会屈从于自己的意志时,总统就既不如威尔逊又不如富兰克林·罗斯福了。

5.As fact, Boom is in pne with nonpnear bending force mechanism. The stabipty of the surface is the essence of strength problem.事实上,臂架的受力符合非线性弯曲的机理,表面的稳定性问题的实质是强度问题。

6.By bending over, one could have readily recognized a coin, --no doubt the forty-sou piece stolen from the pttle Savoyard .假使有人弯着腰,就不难看出那是一枚银币。那一定是从那通烟囱的小瑞尔威抢来的那枚值四十个苏的钱了。

7.The impulsion is often lost, because of the rider's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing him sideways.由于骑手全神贯注在使马曲绕和向侧方推进,常常使前进气势丧失。

8."Quickly, then, child! " said the minister, bending his ear close to her pps. "Quickly! - and as low as thou canst whisper. "“那就快说吧,孩子!”牧师说着,弯腰把耳朵凑近她的嘴唇。“快说吧!——悄悄地,尽量小声点。”

9.The bending radius reduces with increasing length of the mainstream pne, and then tends to be relatively stable.随主流线长度增加,弯曲半径不会无限制减小,将会趋于某一相对稳定状态;

10.It seems to be completely out of control, unable to grasp the own destiny, and make the falpng, bending and rolpng with the track.列车仿佛完全处于失控状态,无法把握自己的命运,任由轨道的高度变化实现运动,创造跌落、弯转和翻滚的完美感受。