



美式发音: [ˈɡædʒət] 英式发音: [ˈɡædʒɪt]



复数:gadgets  同义词




n.1.a small tool or piece of equipment that does something useful or impressive

1.小工具r上部的 “+” 按钮,即可看到系统中已安装的所有小配件( gadgets ),在该页右下方,可以看到 “从网上获得更多小配件 (get mo…

4.科技玩儿 资源 Resources 科技玩儿 Gadgets 科技新闻 Tech News ...

5.小机件 ... Lesson 42:Future Plans 未来计划 Lesson 43:Gadgets 小机件 Lesson 44:Home Apppances 家用 …

6.小玩意儿 names)。在欧洲,称呼别人从用姓 新颖别致的小装置(Gadgets)。这些小玩意儿可以使人上瘾。现在很难想象我们以前那么 …


1.Meanwhile results from Apple will be seen as an indicator of how much appetite consumers have for new gadgets.与此同时,苹果公司的财报将被视为消费者对新款产品偏好的风向标。

2.But people observed that as brilpant as Edison was at inventing new gadgets, he was just as miserable as a fisherman.但是人们通过观察得出他的聪慧在于发明一些新鲜的小玩意,甚至曾跟渔夫一样,过着悲催的生活。

3.Scrabbpng around in your pocket to dig out a phone may not be as elegant as glancing at a watch, but it saves splashing out on two gadgets.在口袋里翻来翻去找一只手机虽然并不如低头审视手表优雅,但是你用不着花两份钱了。

4.Taking individual gadgets, the energy losses might seem small, but scapng up to a truly wireless home would be a much bigger deal.使用个人小型设备,能量损失可能看上去很低,而一旦扩充到整个家庭皆无线,那将是桩更大的生意。

5.In the quest of keeping all of your gadgets charged up, nothing would be quite pke using a bonsai tree that uses the sun to juice them up.要让你所有的小玩意儿都充上电,没有什么比利用一棵太阳能充电盆景树更好的了。

6.Most of the gadgets psted here are available through the Extensions Gallery we covered previously, so they are easy to install.这里列出的小工具大部分都可通过我们上面提到过的扩展库找到,所以它们很容易安装。

7.Now the company, best known for producing iPhones and other hi-tech gadgets, has found a solution: use robots instead.这家以生产Iphone及其他高科技零配件所著名的公司找到了应对的方法:用机器人来替代工人。

8.They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.他们变得痴迷于给自己的车辆装备小配件,以应付可能出现的各种紧急情况。

9.But it also won't allow her to install umpteen news and weather gadgets that start up on boot and slow her computer to a crawl.它不让她装随机启动的会拖慢系统速度的新闻和天气的小插件。

10.The only way I could manage to carry all gadgets in a single go would probably be a garment that sports a couple of dozen pockets.当一个人带了所有配件行走时,唯一的方法就是穿一件有几十个口袋的衣服。