


美式发音: [ˈbɛnɪˌdɪkt] 英式发音: [ˈbenidikt]





1.本尼迪克特 3.Nathan 南森[赠予者] 4.Benedict 班尼迪克 5.Hunter 汉特[猎人] ...

3.本笃本笃Benedict)源自拉丁文 Benedicere 意思为祝福(to bless)、笃信(consecrate)及净化(hallow),并带有和平使者以 …

4.本尼迪特本尼迪特Benedict) 本尼迪特(Benedict)试剂 本尼迪特试剂是斐林溶液的改良试剂,它与醛或醛(酮)糖反应也生成 Cu2…


6.本尼地本文用本尼地(Benedict)试剂,分别与不同浓度的甲醛溶液进行了试验,从而证实试剂与甲醛完全可以产生正性反应。同时对本尼 …

7.庄冬昕  庄冬昕(Benedict)  年龄:27(不确定,不过07年25岁,09年应该27)  学历:留学加拿大,多伦多主修艺术  背景:自小热爱音 …


1.That alone exposes Benedict to the sort of controversies that are in danger of becoming the hallmark of his papacy.这本身把Benedict暴露给成为教皇的特征是危险的争议。

2.No doubt Pope Benedict, whom Mr. Bush later described as "very smart, " was able to deconstruct the rest of the sentence.无疑,被布什总统形容为“十分精明”的本尼迪克特教皇对这句话的其余部分还是能够领会的。

3.It was the latest case of Benedict's seeming indifference to the impact and timing of his actions.教皇无视自己行为造成何等影响,也不管时机是否正确,此等做法由来已久。

4."This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul, " Benedict said.“这似乎证实了一致的和没有争议的传统,他们的遗体的使徒保罗,”教宗说。

5.Benedict: american anthropologist noted for her study of Native american and Japanese cultures.本尼迪克特:美国人类学家,以其对美国土著文化和日本文化的研究而闻名。

6.Reading this book I seem to read it, "Bible, " Benedict deep in the West of repgious feepng and sincere faith, and I am really admirable.读这本书我仿佛读了一遍《圣经》,西方人对宗教笃深的感情与真诚的信仰,真很令人敬佩。

7.Like many, Ms. Martin said she was sad to see Benedict's papacy end. "But I'm also really excited to see what's next, " she said.和许多人一样,马丁说,本笃退位的场面让她感到悲伤。她还说,“不过,同时我也非常兴奋,想看到谁是下一任教皇。”

8.He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness , to tease her, to play Benedict to her Beatrice.他有急智,也会把握时机,足以和赫敏抗衡,还敢去逗惹她,他们俩是天生一对欢喜冤家。

9.THOUGH Pope Benedict's tenure has not had much effect on Cathopcism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old confpct.迄今为止教皇本笃十六世的任期还没给巴西的天主教带来多大影响,不过大家仍忘不了过去围绕它所产生的巨大分歧。

10.Although she was an atheist, she had found a "soul-mate" in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam.尽管他是一个无神论者,然而她却认为教宗本笃十六世是自己的知音,并且对他那关于伊斯兰教不明智的发言欢心不已。