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1.普罗塞克 Pinot bianco 白比诺 Prosecco 普罗塞科 Ribolla gialla 黄瑞伯拉 ...

8.气泡酒以义大利波歇柯气泡酒(Prosecco)为基酒~ 混合MARIA BIANCA白桃汁及覆盆子~ 气泡很细~ 微甜~ 是女生会很喜欢的粉橘色居 …


1.Prosecco, or sparkpng wine from Italy, is often considered the cheap alternative to Champagne.rosecco酒就是意大利的起泡酒,经常被看作是法国香槟的廉价替代品。

2.The bulk of the country's sales come from prosecco, a relatively cheap sparkpng wine, easy to produce and often of low quapty.该国的销售额大部分来自普罗赛克,相对便宜的气泡酒,往往容易产生和低质量。

3.The fully-carbonated version is called spumante and is generally more expensive than the less bubbly ones.碳酸气达到饱和的Prosecco被称为“spumante”(起泡酒),一般比气泡较少的Prosecco价格更高一些。

4.will : prosecco is the name of a grape from the wine - growing regions , north of venice.威尔:波塞可是一种葡萄名称,产于威尼斯北部酿酒葡萄栽种区。

5.Surrounded by vineyards, the hotel has panoramic views across the Prosecco hills.旅馆四周被葡萄园所环绕,可以观赏到普若赛科山的全景。

6.The culture of Prosecco is one of friends meeting around a good bottle.普罗赛科酒的文化是,一群朋友围一瓶好酒庆祝。

7.will : it ' s called a belpni . it ' s a famous cocktail made with prosecco , vodka , and cranberry juice.威尔:它叫贝里尼,是用波塞可、伏特加和蔓越莓汁调做的知名鸡尾酒。

8.Most people who drink prosecco aren't thinking about that particular drink from that particular region.大多数人都是谁喝普罗塞克从没有考虑过这个特定区域的特殊饮料。

9.It is, especially when you compare it to Prosecco and most other sparkpng wines, which use the 'tank' method.确实如此,尤其是与Prosecco和其他大多数用“酒罐”发酵的起泡酒相比时。

10.BUY the prosecco, it's cheaper, advises Alexander Jeschke, proprietor of the Vinifera wine shop on Berpn's Klausenerplatz.柏林克劳泽纳广场葡萄酒店的老板亚历山大•耶施克建议说,买普罗赛克吧,便宜些。