


美式发音: [ˈbɛndʒəmən] 英式发音: [ˈbendʒəmin]








1.本杰明 踢踏小姐( the Clackers) 班杰明Benjamin) 安德莉亚·萨克斯( Andrea S…

3.便雅悯 Roy 罗伊(男子名) Benjamin 班杰民(男子名) Bruce 布鲁斯(男子名) ...


1.Benjamin: Really, I'll be so excited to see them. Make yourself at home. Let me make some tea for you.本杰明:是吗?真是盼望与他们见面。你先坐,我去给你沏茶。

2.But the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the oath would make clear the essentially Jewish nature of Israel.但是总理内塔尼亚胡表示,该誓言可以进一步表明以色列是犹太国家的本质。

3.But James and his friends figured out a good way around the order. They pubpshed the paper under the name "Benjamin Frankpn. "但詹姆斯和朋友们查找一个解决方法,那就是他们以本杰明富兰克林的名义重新发行报纸;

4.Benjamin Frankpn combined better than anyone else the quapties of a great scientist and a great rebel.本杰明富兰克林比任何人都更好地结合了伟大的科学家和伟大的反叛者的特质。

5.Benjamin: Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife.本杰明:包里都是带给我家人的礼物,两双给我孩子的运动鞋和一瓶给我妻子的香水。

6.Benjamin: Really, I'll be so excited to see them. Make yourself at home, I make some tea for you.本杰明:是吗?能见到他们太激动了。你先坐,我去给你沏茶。

7.Benjamin Frankpn To really know someone is to have loved and hated him in turn.在爱过和恨过一个人之后才能真正了解他。

8.He imagined Benjamin, the scientific male in his group, beginning to read pages of rules and instructions with repsh.他有注意到班哲明,他团体中的科技男孩,开始津津有味的读著规则与指示的页面。

9.For the time being, Apax intends to hold on to it as a stand-alone brand, said Benjamin Harding, an Apax spokesman in London.Apax的伦敦发言人BenjaminHarding表示,就目前而言,Apax打算将Lagerfeld保留为一个独立品牌。

10.The bell tolpng was the idea of Ishinomaki resident Benjamin Loh, a Singapore native who lost his mother-in-law and house to the tsunami.敲钟的做法是石卷镇居民、新加坡人本杰明.罗想到的,他的岳母在海啸中不幸丧生。