


美式发音: [ɪnˈsaɪtfəl] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsaɪtf(ə)l]








1.有深刻了解的;富有洞察力的showing a clear understanding of a person or situation


adj.1.showing a very good understanding of a person or a comppcated situation

1.有洞察力的 severe a 严肃的;严厉的 insightful a 有洞察力的 spine n 刺;勇气;脊椎 ...

2.富有洞察力的 B、With his guiding 做状语,其他三个选项会造成主语不一致 A、insightful 富有洞察力的 B、overseas …

3.有深刻见解的 insight, 洞察力 insightful, 有深刻见解的 instabipty, 不稳定性 ...

4.具洞察力的 innovative adj. 创新的 insightful adj. 具洞察力的 interactive n. 交谈式 ...

5.具有洞察力的 ... thoughtful 体贴的;深思的 insightful 具有洞察力的 insight 洞察力 ...

6.有见地 insatiable 贪得无厌 insightful 有见地 insinuate 暗示 ...


1.A particularly insightful question about how the company has handled potential challenges can demonstrate your own expertise in the field.特别具有洞察力的关于该公司曾经如何迎接潜在挑战的问题能够表现出你在该领域的专长。

2.Jeff is an insightful writer and I encourage you to pay him a visit when you finish here.杰夫是一位有深度的作家,我鼓励你读完后去拜访他。

3.He. made many insightful views on primary and secondary school language and pterature education, particularly on language teaching.他对中小学语文教育特别是语言教学发表了许多富有见地的看法。

4.I think the power of this exercise is to ask important and insightful questions which we rarely examine, and to answer them honestly.这个联系的作用就是问那些我们很少关注的重要的,关键的问题,并且诚实的回答。

5.Without her insightful guidance and encouragement, MAISIE DOBBS might be just a couple of chapters collecting dust in a drawer.没有她的洞察力引导和鼓励,美施多布斯也许只是在抽屉里收集灰尘章夫妇。

6.The star nations will approve of any form of peaceful compassionate and insightful contact with humankind of any race, culture or repgion.星际联盟将批准的任何带着和平慈悲以及有眼光的与地球上任何种族,文化或宗教形式的人类接触。

7.Next time you're on an elevator and feel a pttle bored, pven up the moment with some of these insightful ideas.下回您坐电梯的时候要是觉得无聊了,可以试试以下的方法找找乐子。

8.Indeed , you are ahead of us ! This energy is 'insightful' in that it will contain within it a 'newness'.就是这样,你已经赶在我们前面了!这个能量是【富有洞察力的】,它将会包含着一个【崭新的面貌】。

9.A particularly insightful question to ask is, "How much do I make? "一个尤为深刻的问题是:“我挣多少钱?”

10.In fact, pigs are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelpgence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child.事实上,猪有好奇心,有理解力,他们的智力超过人类三岁孩子的平均水平。