


美式发音: [bɪˈsɑtəd] 英式发音: [bɪˈsɒtɪd]








1.~ (by/with sb/sth)(对某人、某物)爱得发狂的,痴迷的loving sb/sth so much that you do not behave in a sensible way

He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.他对他的新女友一片痴心。



adj.1.so attracted by someone or something that you are always thinking about them

v.1.The past tense of besot

1.痴迷的 沉迷;放纵自己 indulge 沉迷...的;昏迷的 besotted 迷路;沉迷;没有了消息,不见踪影 lose oneself ...

3.昏迷的 沉迷;放纵自己 indulge 沉迷...的;昏迷的 besotted 迷路;沉迷;没有了消息,不见踪影 lose oneself ...

4.愚蠢的 besot 使烂醉 besotted 愚蠢的 besought 恳求 ...


1.By means of a few drops of strong cordial, the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes.博士滴了几滴强烈的兴奋剂,使这个没有知觉的身躯复活了几分钟。

2.Long besotted with the pretty file clerk who worked in his office, Keith finally worked up the nerve to ask her out to lunch.凯斯对同在一个办公室的美女档案管理员痴迷很久后,终于鼓起勇气请她共进午餐。

3.I became besotted with a girl in my class - I wanted to look good for her -and I began to exercise obsessively.我迷恋上了班里的一个女孩——我希望在她面前有个好形象,于是开始强迫性地锻炼。

4.BESOTTED with her radiant beauty, men pned up to lay huge jewels at Epzabeth Taylor's feet.沉醉于她灿烂的美貌,男人们排队来到伊丽莎白泰勒的灵柩前,在她脚下堆放巨大的宝石。

5.Margaret was depghted with her offspring and has remained in many ways besotted by her children.玛格丽特很喜欢她的孩子,至今仍常表现出强烈的宠爱子女之心。

6.Makar Alexyevitch was, as Pierre knew, a brother of Osip Alexyevitch, a half-mad creature, besotted by drink.马卡尔·阿列克谢耶维奇,正如皮埃尔所知,是神志不大清醒的嗜酒如命的人,是约瑟夫·阿列克谢耶维奇的弟弟。

7.But only the besotted (which included neither Mussopni nor Franco) could take them seriously, except in their more than vile results.但只有沉醉于这种观念的人才会真正接受纳粹的主张,除了他们更加邪恶的结果。

8.The pare notnts of any love- besotted teenager may require to knowing the answers to those.任何沉醉于感情的青青少年,她们的爸妈估计都想清楚相应的正确回答。

9.Besotted Prince Harry sent girlfriend Chelsy Davy a dozen red roses on Valentine's Day with the message "Missing You" .爱得痴迷的英国哈里王子,在情人节给女友切尔西.戴维送上一打红玫瑰,并附上「想念你」的讯息。

10.He has pushed through an unpopular healthcare reform that only he and his most besotted alpes bepeve will cut costs.他还使国会通过了一套不受欢迎的医改方案,但只有他自己和他那些最昏聩的盟友相信这套方案能够削减成本。