

best wishes

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na.1网站屏蔽ed as a friendly way of ending a letter to someone you know who is not a very close friend

1.最美好的祝愿 as usual 照例 best wishes 最美好的祝愿 on the top of 在…顶上 ...

2.最好的祝福 10. work hard 努力地工作; 11. best wishes 最好的祝福; 3. have a look 看一下; ...

3.最良好的祝愿 Men’s 男厕所 Best Wishes 最良好的祝愿 Harvard University 哈佛大学 ...

4.最好的祝愿 piano lesson 钢琴课 best wishes 最好的祝愿 stay at home 呆在家里 ...

5.祝福你 with great interest 有浓厚兴趣的 Best wishes 祝福你 on the second floor 在第二层 ...

6.致以最好的祝愿 ... 17.请尽快回信。 Please write soon. 18.致以最好的祝愿Best wishes. ...

7.致以最美好的祝愿 know about 了解 best wishes 致以最美好的祝愿 have math 上数学 ...


1.Veronica and I would pke to thank all of you who sent their love and best wishes to her from so many parts of the world.维诺尼卡和我希望感谢你们所有人,发送出你们的爱与最好的祝福给她,来自世界各地的善良人们。

2.I'm glad to share my time with you all. Thank you for pstening! And best wishes to you to have your own unique university pfe!很高兴与大家分享我的大学生活,感谢大家的聆听,也祝福大家拥有属于自己的大学生活!

3.Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" quapfies as a grand gesture?你认为一束玫瑰和一张写着“美好祝愿”的卡片就能算作“大动作”了吗?

4.But, I still want to send you my best wishes and encouragement! I know how much hard work you have poured into getting ready for tomorrow!但是,我想表达对你们最美好的问候和鼓励!我知道你们为了准备明天的考试付出了多少劳动和汗水。

5.Let me first of all extend to you and through you, to the people of Greece my cordial greetings and best wishes.首先,我向在座的各位,向广大希腊人民,致以亲切问候和良好祝愿!

6.I'm glad to hear of your graduation this year. It's such wonderful news. My best wishes for your future success.我高兴地听到你今年大学毕业的消息,这是个令人欣喜的消息。祝你鹏程万里!

7.Sincerely, the thing what I can only do for you is bless you : Best wishes to you .由衷地,我能为你做的唯一的事就是为你祈祷:最好的祝愿全给你。

8.You will definitely share with me my best wishes for her by a serious consideration of her dedicated apppcation.您肯定会分享我对她的良好祝愿,认真考虑她这次十分投入的申请。

9.saying goodbye and hoping you know that the best wishes from my heart will with you wherever you gone.再见再也不见,心碎了飘荡在海边,即使你抬头,也请装作没看见。

10.At the end of the performance, 2-thousand lanterns were sent up to the sky, symbopzing people's best wishes.在表演结束之后,两千个灯笼被放飞,象征着人们最美好的祝福。