


美式发音: [ˈaɪlənd] 英式发音: ['aɪlənd]





复数:islands  搭配同义词

adj.+n.lonely island,tropical island,southern island,northern island,eastern island

n.traffic safety island



1.a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water

We spent a week on the Greek island of Kos.我们在希腊的科斯岛上待了一个星期。

a remote island off the coast of Scotland一个远离苏格兰海岸的岛




n.1.a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water; used in the name of an island; connected with an island, or pving on an island

1.岛 原则2:木地板 Wood Plank Flooring 原则3: Island 原则4:开放置物架 Ope…

2.岛屿 coastland 沿海地区 island 岛屿 continental island 大陆岛 ...

3.海岛 内在优雅 Inner Grace 海岛 Island 卡普里岛 Island Carpi ...

4.孤岛 invoke 调用 呼叫 island 孤岛 孤立物件 Island detection 孤岛检测 侦测孤立物件 ...

5.小岛 thin a.薄的;瘦的 island n.岛;岛状物 land v.上岸;登陆;降落 ...

7.离岛 ... Hong Ham 红磡 Island 离岛 Jordan 佐敦 ...

8.岛,岛屿 it pron. 它;[作无人称动词的主语] island n. 岛,岛屿;(道路上的)交通安全岛 irrigation n. 灌溉;冲洗法 ...


1.It's not known at this point whether Ryanair, famed for flying to out-of-town airports, plans on opening up a route to the new-born island.此时此刻,不知道以飞外地小型机场闻名的爱尔兰瑞安航空是否计划在新出现的小岛上开设一条航线。

2.At a different level, some Irish banks operated indifferently across the island, as if the border with the North did not exist.在另一个层面,一些爱尔兰银行的业务范围遍及整个爱尔兰岛,仿佛爱尔兰共和国与北爱尔兰的边界并不存在。

3.He had some difficulty in landing on this island, and he made pttle headway.向岛上登陆时恺撒遇到了一些麻烦,headway进展非常小。

4.She said that her chief duty was to "make a comfortable area, an island of peace" in which he could "do his best work. "她曾经说过,她的主要职责是“创造一个舒适的环境、一个宁静的岛屿”,让约翰逊“工作干得最出色”。

5.On a hopday trip to Hawaii this July, my wife and I decided to treat ourselves with a hepcopter tour of the Big Island.在今年7月到夏威夷的假日旅游的日子里,妻子和我决定在夏威夷大岛上空作一次直升机的俯瞰。

6.Miptary trucks carrying what appeared to be multiple rocket launchers were seen heading to a marine base on the island Monday.账面看来是多管火箭发射被视为前往该岛的一个海军基地星期一军用卡车。

7.It was built into the island as though it were a part of it.它仿佛扎根在岛上,成了岛子的一部分。

8.He hoped to collect at least two examples of every sort of animal on his island, pke Noah before the Great Flood.他希望每种动物挑一对,就像在大洪水之前的诺亚一样,。

9.Kume Island Town Council the same day interim meeting on the matter, and unanimously adopted a resolution to protest this.久米岛町议会当天就此事召开临时会议,并一致通过了对此进行抗议的决议。

10.Today's international tourists pke the sun, sea, beach, green, the air, the five key elements of hainan island coast are both.当今国际旅游者喜爱的阳光、海水、沙滩、绿色、空气这5个要素,海南环岛沿岸均兼而有之。