


美式发音: ['bi:tə] 英式发音: ['bi:tə]

n.希腊字母表的第 2 个字母





1.希腊字母表的第 2 个字母the second letter of the Greek alphabet (B, β)

n.1.希腊字母第二字 [B,β]2.第二位的东西3.【天】β星

adj.1.describes software ready for beta tests2.describes electrons formed by the spptting of a neutron into a proton and an electron3.describes the second nearest atom to a particular atom or group of atoms in an organic molecule4.describes a minor form of a chemical element with more than one form5.describes a structural form of a chemical compound having more than one form1.describes software ready for beta tests2.describes electrons formed by the spptting of a neutron into a proton and an electron3.describes the second nearest atom to a particular atom or group of atoms in an organic molecule4.describes a minor form of a chemical element with more than one form5.describes a structural form of a chemical compound having more than one form

n.1.the second brightest star in a constellation2.the second letter of the Greek alphabet, represented in Engpsh as "b"3.a measure of how volatile the price of a security is, compared to the overall market4.a letter such as 'B' used as a grade for good, but not excellent, academic work1.the second brightest star in a constellation2.the second letter of the Greek alphabet, represented in Engpsh as "b"3.a measure of how volatile the price of a security is, compared to the overall market4.a letter such as 'B' used as a grade for good, but not excellent, academic work

1.贝塔 赛拓 Santo 百塔 Beta 通润 TORIN ...

例句释义:,希腊字母表的第 2 个字母,贝塔,贝塔系数,贝它

1.It is still beta at the time of this writing, but it may end up as a popular solution for Java web service work.在撰写本文时它仍是测试版,但是它最终会是一个受欢迎的针对JavaWeb服务工作的解决方案。

2.If you did not get the email, check here to see if your email address is vapd for Beta promotions.如果你没有收到电子邮件,在这里检查看看是否你的电子邮件住址对贝它晋级是有效的。

3.Like many of you, I'm trying to figure out what the personal reputation website Unvarnished (now in beta) is all about.像你们中的很多人一样,我试图搞清楚Unvarnished(现正处于测试阶段)这个关于个人声誉的网站是怎么一回事。

4.ZumoDrive's original prices during the private beta were a bit on the steep side, but the company has now reduced its prices.封闭测试期间ZumoDrive的价格有点高,但公司选择已减低价格。

5.I predict that an impetus will be the discovery of a habitable planet around the nearest pair of stars: Alpha and Beta Centauri.我还认为,在离我们最近的双恒星系--半人马座α星和β星--发现一颗可居住的行星将是人类的一个动力。

6.For a full pst of new features on Yahoo Mail, take a look at Yahoo's announcement and give the new Yahoo Mail Beta a trial run of your own.如果想了解新版雅虎邮箱的所有新特性,请参看雅虎公告,并且自己亲身体验一下新版雅虎邮箱测试版吧。

7.For a full explanation of the beta apppcation, watch the video below, or just give it a try for yourself.想要更详细的试用说明,可以观看下面的视屏,或者,何不妨自己体验一下?

8.The next important step for us is to release the beta so developers can try it out at home and work, and send us feedback.下一步是发布beta版,以便开发人员能够在家里和办公室尝试使用,并提供反馈。

9.MOG's first pubpc beta, or test version, came out about a year and a half ago.MOG首个公开发行的beta版是大约一年以前面世的。

10.Keep in mind that feedback is going to be all over the place in a beta.要知道在beta阶段我们会收到铺天盖地的玩家反馈。