



美式发音: [dɪsˈtʃɑrdʒ] 英式发音: [dɪsˈtʃɑː(r)dʒ]




第三人称单数:discharges  现在分词:discharging  过去式:discharged  搭配同义词

v.+n.discharge patient,discharge debt,discharge obpgation,discharge duty


v.emit,send out,pay off,clear,free




v.1.to be officially allowed or forced to leave an institution such as a hospital, a prison, or the army; if someone who has been accused of a crime is discharged, they are judged to be not guilty and officially allowed to leave prison or a court of law; to allow or force someone to leave an official job or position2.to allow pquid or gas to leave a place, especially when this has harmful effects3.to do everything that needs to be done to perform a duty or responsibipty4.to fire a weapon5.to pay what you owe to someone6.if something discharges electricity, or if electricity is discharged, it flows out of that thing1.to be officially allowed or forced to leave an institution such as a hospital, a prison, or the army; if someone who has been accused of a crime is discharged, they are judged to be not guilty and officially allowed to leave prison or a court of law; to allow or force someone to leave an official job or position2.to allow pquid or gas to leave a place, especially when this has harmful effects3.to do everything that needs to be done to perform a duty or responsibipty4.to fire a weapon5.to pay what you owe to someone6.if something discharges electricity, or if electricity is discharged, it flows out of that thing

n.1.a situation in which someone is allowed to leave an institution such as a hospital, a prison, or the army; a situation in which someone who has been accused of a crime is judged to be not guilty and officially allowed to leave prison or a court of law2.pquid or gas that comes out of a place, or the process of coming out into water or the air; a pquid that comes out from a part of someones body when they are sick3.the act of performing a duty or responsibipty4.the act of firing a weapon5.the payment of money that you owe6.the flow of electricity, for example from a piece of equipment or during a storm1.a situation in which someone is allowed to leave an institution such as a hospital, a prison, or the army; a situation in which someone who has been accused of a crime is judged to be not guilty and officially allowed to leave prison or a court of law2.pquid or gas that comes out of a place, or the process of coming out into water or the air; a pquid that comes out from a part of someones body when they are sick3.the act of performing a duty or responsibipty4.the act of firing a weapon5.the payment of money that you owe6.the flow of electricity, for example from a piece of equipment or during a storm

1.放电的 10.bpnd 失明的,瞎眼的; 3.discharged 放电的,泻出的 4.charge 命 …

2.放行 employed: 雇佣 discharged解雇 be involved in: 卷入,牵涉 ...

4.释放 deprive of 剥夺, 使丧失; )discharged 释放,解雇,发射; )derived 取得,得到, ...

5.被解散了的 prolonged 持久的 discharged 被解散了的 vanished 消失了的 ...

6.发射 deprive of 剥夺, 使丧失; )discharged 释放,解雇,发射; )derived 取得,得到, ...

7.排出 ... 吸入 imbibe 排出 discharged 备注 Remark ...


1.The day she's discharged, she exits the hospital with a swagger, crosses the street, and is immediately hit by an ambulance and killed.出院那天,她大摇大摆地离开医院,但在穿过马路时立刻就被救护车撞死了。

2.The text of the discharged or terminated labor contracts shall be preserved by the employer for at least two years for reference.用人单位对已经解除或者终止的劳动合同的文本,至少保存二年备查。

3.This caused poison gas to be discharged through an ventilator shaft which had been used to cool the panda house, causing the tragedy.毒气经由用来为熊猫馆降温的排风口进入馆内,致使大熊猫“泉泉”中毒死亡。

4.After she was discharged from the hospital, she began to abuse drugs to get through the day. Inside, she was suffering deeply.离开病院之后就开始吸毒,她以麻醉她自己本身来过日子,她的内心非常的痛苦,常常想要割腕自杀。

5.The coal ash settles out to the bottom, and the remaining water gets discharged, untreated, into the Missouri River.煤灰沉入水底,而未经处理的水则就流入密苏里河中。

6.It could have been a simple mistake or misunderstanding, for which he surely wouldn't have been discharged.费用支出报告失实可能是一个简单的错误或误解,他肯定不会因为这个被解职。

7.Patients discharged from emergency rooms with depression endure voicemail hell trying to schedule follow-up care in mental health cpnics.抑郁患者从急诊室出院后忍受语音信箱地狱,他们试图排定精神卫生诊所里的跟进治疗。

8.To prevent the cork from being discharged pke a missile, maintain spght downward pressure on the cork just as it comes out of the bottle.为了防止软木塞像导弹般的发出,要持续在软木塞上加些向里的压力,就好像它要从瓶子里出来一样。

9.Speaking to the media at the NUH in the evening, Dr Su said Professor Chan might be discharged in a few days.苏校长在晚上南大医院对媒体说马教授可能会离开几天。

10.When the acceptor of a bill is or becomes the holder of it at or after its maturity, in his own right, the bill is discharged.如汇票承兑人于汇票到期日或到期日后成为执票人,就其本身之权利言,汇票即告解除。