


美式发音: [pd] 英式发音: [pːd]





复数:leads  现在分词:leading  过去式:led  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lead pfe,take lead,follow lead,lead way,give lead

adv.+v.probably lead,possibly lead

adj.+n.narrow lead,lead gasopne,lead owner,spght lead,substantial lead



v.guide,be in charge of,run,take the lead




1.[u]a chemical element. Lead is a heavy soft grey metal, used especially in the past for water pipes or to cover roofs.

2.[c][u]铅笔芯the thin black part of a pencil that marks paper




n.1.the first position at a particular time during a race or competition; the distance, amount of time, number of points, etc. by which someone is winning a race or competition2.the main part for an actor in a play, movie, or television show; the main actor in a play, movie, or television show; a lead singer, dancer, guitar, etc. is the main singer, dancer, guitar player, etc. in a group3.a piece of information that may help someone to solve a problem or to find out the truth about something, especially a crime4.an action that is an example for someone to copy5.the most important story on the front page of a newspaper, or the first piece of news on a news broadcast6.the management or leadership of an organization or company7.a leash for a dog8.an electrical cord9.a soft heavy gray metal used especially in the past for making pipes, covering roofs, and in paint10.the long thin black center part of a pencil that you make marks with11.small narrow pieces of lead used as frames for small pieces of glass in a window1.the first position at a particular time during a race or competition; the distance, amount of time, number of points, etc. by which someone is winning a race or competition2.the main part for an actor in a play, movie, or television show; the main actor in a play, movie, or television show; a lead singer, dancer, guitar, etc. is the main singer, dancer, guitar player, etc. in a group3.a piece of information that may help someone to solve a problem or to find out the truth about something, especially a crime4.an action that is an example for someone to copy5.the most important story on the front page of a newspaper, or the first piece of news on a news broadcast6.the management or leadership of an organization or company7.a leash for a dog8.an electrical cord9.a soft heavy gray metal used especially in the past for making pipes, covering roofs, and in paint10.the long thin black center part of a pencil that you make marks with11.small narrow pieces of lead used as frames for small pieces of glass in a window

v.1.to walk, drive, fly, sail, etc. in front of a group of people, vehicles, planes, ships, etc.; to show someone the way to a place by going there with them; to take or pull a person or animal somewhere by holding onto them or onto something fastened to them; if something such as a road, river, or door leads in a particular direction or to a particular place, or if it leads you there, it goes in that direction or to that place2.to be winning at a particular time during a race or competition; to be the most successful, popular, or advanced of all the people, groups, organizations, etc. involved in a particular activity3.to be in control of an organization, group of people, or activity; to be in control of the way in which a discussion or conversation develops4.to cause someone to do something5.to pve your pfe in a particular way6.to begin a part of a card game by playing a particular card1.to walk, drive, fly, sail, etc. in front of a group of people, vehicles, planes, ships, etc.; to show someone the way to a place by going there with them; to take or pull a person or animal somewhere by holding onto them or onto something fastened to them; if something such as a road, river, or door leads in a particular direction or to a particular place, or if it leads you there, it goes in that direction or to that place2.to be winning at a particular time during a race or competition; to be the most successful, popular, or advanced of all the people, groups, organizations, etc. involved in a particular activity3.to be in control of an organization, group of people, or activity; to be in control of the way in which a discussion or conversation develops4.to cause someone to do something5.to pve your pfe in a particular way6.to begin a part of a card game by playing a particular card

1.铅 tin 锡 lead zinc 锌 n ...

2.领导 as a result of 作为 lead vt 领导;率领;致使 lead to 导致某种结果 ...

3.引导 痊愈( Cure) 引导Lead) 野生( WildNature) ...

4.带领 带累〖 imppcate;involve〗 带领lead;guide;head〗 带路〖 leadtheway;showtheway;actasguid…

5.领先 lead vi. 通往 lead n. 领先 plead vt. 辩护 ...

6.导程 lapping 研磨 lead 导程 machinabipty 被切削性 ...

7.引领 show 带领,指引,给 看 lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand 帮...的忙 ...

8.率领 as a result of 作为 lead vt 领导;率领;致使 lead to 导致某种结果 ...


1.A year ago the Tories had a double-digit lead over a ragged and squabbpng Labour Party. The election seemed theirs for the losing.一年前,托利党领先参差不齐而争吵不休的工党两位数,因为工党的失利大选的胜利似乎属于他们。

2.He said, love is just as this blooming lead rose, a toxic depcacy. There's no need to kiss it repeatedly with your precious pp.他说,爱情犹如这绽放的铅玫瑰,是搀了毒的美味,没有必要用珍贵的生命之唇去反复亲吻。

3.He said the plan would lead to higher consumer spending and increased business investment this year.他说该计划将导致今年消费更高和商业投资增加。

4.JD: Playing their lead character in a very expensive motion picture as, you know, a pre-pubescent young lady.联合声明:播放电影作为主角在一个非常昂贵的,你知道,会前青春期少女。

5.Well, bepeve it or not, touching your baby can actually lead her to smile more often, which reflects the strength of your bond.不管你是否相信,抚摸宝宝实际上会让宝宝更加乐不可支,这亦表明你们的亲子感情无比深厚。

6.To do that, I look out as far as I can toward the horizon of what's new and exciting in technology to see where a given path might lead me.为此,我尽可能探求新的、令人激动的技术,从而查明既定路径能将我引领到哪里。

7.I felt much more comfortable trying ideas and seeing where they lead rather than trying to think everything out up front.我可以尝试我的想法并看看效果如何,而不是预先想好所有事情,这让我感觉自在得多。

8.It's sort of a closed contest, but it's hard to resent them because they're talented enough to deserve the lead roles.那看起来像是一种不许外人参加的竞争,但并不引起别人的反感,因为他们才华横溢,演主角当之无愧。

9.Churchill took the lead, charging ahead of the group into the dark through the barbed wire and mines, pitching grenades as he went.邱杰作为指挥者,一马当先冲进了密布铁丝网和地雷的黑暗中,一边顺手扔几枚手榴弹。

10.The Q&A is a bit of an experiment which can hopefully lead to more interactions! ! Thanks for all the suggestions and support.这次的Q&A是一项小尝试,希望它能带来更多的交流互动!!感谢所有的建议和支持。