


美式发音: 英式发音: [beiθ]






n.1.the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, represented in the Engpsh alphabet as 'b'

1.贝丝 6.Elda 英文翻译艾露达。 2.Beth 英文翻译贝丝。 23.Rakeru 英文拉琪露 ...

5.白丝 路程很长,白丝 It's a long ride,Beth 我不想一个人走 I didn't want to go alone ...

6.蓓斯 “BERKELEY”( 伯克利)中音萨克斯 “BETH”( 蓓斯)仿木单簧管 “JINBAO”( 津宝)仿木单簧管 ...

7.贝芙 Bess/ 比丝 Beth/ 贝芙 Betty/ 比蒂 ...


1.Said Beth with a frown as she sat down in her cubicle that was identical to that of every other person in the office.贝思皱着眉头说,她在小隔间坐了下来,办公室其他人的小隔间都跟她的一样。

2.Beth got out of bed and got her favorite blue tank top. She took off her shirt and screamed at the top of her lungs.贝丝下了床,拿出自己最喜欢的那件蓝色衬衣。她脱下睡衣,突然尖叫起来。

3.Beth sat down and began to play, and everyone thought it was the most perfect piano they had ever heard.白丝坐下来开始弹琴,每个人都认为这是她们听过的最好的钢琴。

4."Coming. " Beth answered, she opened the door. She wore a red robe with her name on it. She got from her grandma a few years ago.“来啦,”贝丝说着,打开了门。她穿着一件红色的睡袍,上面绣着自己的名字。那是几年前,她祖母送给她的。

5.And He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial site to this day.耶和华将他埋葬在摩押地,伯毗珥对面的谷中,只是到今日没有人知道他埋葬的地方。

6.Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop.一点也不介意。要是你让我打开了话匣子,我能聊个昏天暗地,贝思总是说我从来不知道什么时候停下。

7.As he made small talk, Beth's heart continued to race. She tried her best to hold herself together.当他短短的说了几句的时候,贝丝的心还是继续的狂跳。她尽最大努力想让自己镇定下来。

8.Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn't remember how much nine times twelve was.乔大笑着,梅格责备着,贝思央求着,艾美因为想不起九乘十二等于多少而号哭起来。

9.RITA: Can't you leave us alone for a minute? I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven.丽塔:难道你不能让我们单独呆一小会儿吗?我正想使玛丽·贝思看起来漂亮点,史蒂文。

10."Is Beth the rosy one, who stays at home good deal and sometimes goes out with a pttle basket? " asked Laurie with interest.“那个红粉脸庞的是贝思吗?就是那个长期呆在家里偶尔挎个小篮子出去的?”,劳瑞兴致颇高地问道。