




1.碧昂丝2013-04-16 来源:海报网 …

4.天后碧昂斯 14 Destiny’s Child 天命真女时期 15 Beyonce 碧昂丝单飞 01 Hello Introduction 哈喽你好(序曲) ...

7.碧昂斯说 [Male] (男人说) [Beyonce] (碧昂斯说) Even just for a day 就算只是一天 ...


1.Sarah and I were on our way to see Beyonce in concert. But she left her mobile in the office, so we had to go back and get it.Sarah和我一起去看Beyonce的演出。但是她将手机忘在办公室里了,所以我们得回来拿手机。

2.Uhm, so American Express asked me to do another commercial for 'em, so I said, "Okay, but can Beyonce be in it with me? "嗯,所以美国运通请我为他们再做一个广告,我说:“好的,但碧昂斯能和我一起做吗?”

3.You know, I think they breathe new pfe into the monarchy, and hell, if I could had Beyonce and Jay-Z at my wedding, I'd get them there.你知道,我认为他们会给君主制注入新的生命,天呐,如果我的婚礼上能有碧昂丝和杰斯,说不定王子夫妇也会去呢。

4.Mike: Yeah, it's been a while. But I think Beyonce released a new album recently.麦克:是啊,有一阵子了,但最近碧昂丝好像出了张新专辑耶!

5.He said "I would pke to work with Eminem, " said Justin Bieber responding quickly. "I would pke to work with Beyonce. "他说:“我想和艾米纳姆合作。”紧接着他又说:“我还想跟碧昂丝合作。”

6.Did you hear about Jamie Foxx's affair with Beyonce? It was all over the tabloids today.你听说杰米•福克斯和碧昂斯的绯闻了吗?现在小报上到处都有相关的报道。

7.Reps for Carey, Beyonce, Usher, and Richie did not immediately respond to inquiries from The Lookout.凯里,碧昂丝,亚瑟,和里奇的发言人没有立刻响应《thelookout》杂志的质询。

8.Her victories tied her with Beyonce as the most wins by a woman in one evening.她和碧昂斯共同成为当晚最大的女性赢家。

9.Beyonce adds, It's about all of the pttle things that mean so much in a relationship.碧昂丝补充到:这些都是恋爱中的小事情,但是它们份量却很重。

10.Beyonce, obviously, did not understand his jabs, Gamal said.贾莫说,碧昂丝很明显没有理解他的攻击性言辞。