


美式发音: [ˈbaɪˌɡɔn] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪɡɒn]




复数:bygones  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.bygone age,bygone era





1.很久以前的;以往的happening or existing a long time ago

a bygone age/era一个过去的时代╱历史时期



adj.1.happening or existing during a period of time in the past

1.过去的 blond a. (男子) 白肤金发碧眼的 bygone n. 过去的, 逝去的 chat v. 闲聊, 聊天 ...

2.过去的事 entrap:v. 诱陷 21。 bygone:n. 过去的事 22。 elegant:adj. 文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的, 24。 ...

3.往事 byelaw 条例 bygone 往事 byland 半岛 ...

4.过时的 byway 小道 bygone 过时的 bypass 旁路;忽略 ...

5.已往的 by prep. 在旁边,按照 bygone n. 已往的,过时的 bypass n. 旁道,分路 ...

6.往昔的 ... predetermined:a. 预先决定的 bygone:a. 消逝的,往昔的 antithetical:a. 对立的,对照的,大相径 …


1.He was more drawn to the pterature of bygone Europe than to that of his own region.他更倾心于往昔的欧洲文学,而忽视了本土文学。

2.There seemed to be no longer any reason for trying to preserve the ideals of a bygone age.似乎不再有任何理由来试图保存一个已成过去的时代的思想了。

3.Of course he spoke with a conventional sense of duty only, for that sort of wondering had not been unknown to himself in bygone days.当然,他说这话的时候,是出于一种习惯的责任感,因为在过去他自己也不是没有产生过这样的疑问。

4.Some members of my staff felt that I should observe the custom of bygone days and allow him to call on me.我的几个参谋人员觉得我应遵守已往惯例,允许他来见我。

5.Dear Ones, we have watched over for thousands of years, and in bygone times have had very close contact with you.亲爱的,我们已经照看你们几千年,在过去的时光我们与你们发生了非常亲密的接触。

6.King is always referring to his bygone experience and saying what he did. I'm tired of his playing the old soldier over us at the Club.金老是提他过去的经验,说他如何如何。我挺讨厌他在俱乐部里当著我们的面摆老资格。

7.S. protesters, though nostalgia for Mao Zedong's bygone era appeared to be a main driver.不过,这些人对已经失去的毛泽东时代的怀念似乎是这一行为的主要原因。

8.After years of "chatting, " I actually heard her voice: a weathered, pretty thing, seemingly encased in a bygone era, unmarred by modernity.在“聊”了几年后,我听见了她真实的声音:那真是如风一般、美妙的东西,没有被现代污染,好像能带我回到过去的时代一样。

9.But there are offbeat neighborhoods to explore and old-fashioned towns nearby where you can still savour something of bygone days.但附近还有小块的地区可以供游客进行探索,老式风格的城镇也仍然能让你欣赏到逝去岁月中的一些东西。

10.I strived to seek for the traces of the bygone, trying to find the miracle coincidences, even if we had just come across at some spot once.我拼命寻求往事中的蛛丝马迹,以求奇迹般的吻合,哪怕我们只是曾经在某一点上相遇。