


美式发音: [ˌdʒi em ˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː em ˈəʊ]




n.1.genetically modified organism: a plant or animal whose genes have been changed to give it a particular quality that it would not normally have

1.转基因生物围绕转基因生物GMOs)的辩论是激烈的, 反对者的其中一个论点就是转基因生物是非自然的不同物种的基因混合。然而,瑞 …

2.转基因生物体转基因生物体GMOs)是指遗传物质经过改良的生物,而这种改良不会通过配对或者细胞分裂的方式实现。转基因食品反对者 …

3.基因改造生物产品绝不含基因改造生物(GMOs)或过敏原,并符合犹太洁食认证(Kosher certified)。我们的辅酶Q-10于美国制造,并遵从美 …

4.转基因作物转基因作物( GMOs) 因其先进的生物技术优势而发展迅速。在1996 ~ 2008 年期间,种植面积增幅高达74 倍,每年的增长率超 …


6.基因改良泰国农民通常以自然的方式种植,不施肥,不使用化学除草剂和杀虫剂,没有进行基因改良GMOs),以保持其独特的天然品 …

7.General Motors Operating SystemGeneral Motors Operating SystemGMOS)和 North American Aviation 为 IBM709 开发的 FORTRAN Monitor System(FMS…


1.Opposition to GMOs is one of the factors that have made organic products a $25-billion-a-year market in the United States.人们对转基因谷物的排斥,是促使有机产品发展成美国每年盈利250亿美元的市场的因素之一。

2.He said AGRA was not ruling out GMOs and if and when they were introduced it would be with all the appropriate "safeguards. "他说,AGRA不排斥转基因生物,是否引进,何时引进都会有适当的“安全保障”。

3.Up to now AGRA spokespeople have been slippery, and frankly, contradictory about their stance on GMOs.到现在为止AGRA的发言人们说辞一直难以捉摸,坦率地说,他们对转基因生物的立场自相矛盾。

4.In fact, since animals fed GMOs had such a wide variety of problems, susceptible people may react to GM food with multiple symptoms.事实上,由于转基因生物的喂养有这样多种多样的问题,易感染的人群会作出对转基因食品的多种病症。

5.Clarkson's customers are willing to pay him extra for the steps he has to take to keep GMOs out of his products.克拉克森的消费者愿意多出钱,让他采取措施,保证他的产品不搀杂转基因成分。

6.But opponents cite mounting evidence against GMOs along with the fact that there is no well-designed, long-term safety testing.但是反对者们引证对转基因不利的大量证据,而且这些证据是在至今还没有良好设计的长期安全试验研究的情况下提出来的。

7.The release of GMOs into the environment and the marketing of GM foods have resulted in a public debate in many parts of the world.将转基因生物释放到环境和转基因食品的上市销售已在世界许多地区引起公开辩论。

8.Confusing matters further, Idec, a consumer group also opposing GMOs, said it would probably contest Almeida's decision.更加令人不解的是,同样反对转基因生物的消费者团体“艾迪克”说,他们可能会驳斥阿梅达的决定。

9.Many adherents rule out nothing, including in their recommendations even GMOs and chemical fertilizers where justifiable.许多拥护者不排除任何可能性,包括他们的推荐甚至GMOS和化肥也是合理的。

10.Studies, meanwhile, increasingly show a correlation between consumption of GMOs and an array of health risks.研究表明转基因生物的消耗与健康的危害有着越来越密切的联系。