


美式发音: [ˈkroʊni] 英式发音: [ˈkrəʊni]



复数:cronies  同义词反义词





1.好友;密友a person that sb spends a lot of time with

He was playing cards with his cronies.他当时正与他那些狐朋狗友玩牌。


n.1.a friend or supporter, especially of someone powerful

1.密友 sturdy adj. (身体)强健的,结实的 crony n. 密友,亲密的伙伴 whine v. 哀号,号哭 ...

2.密友,好朋友 ... credits n. 片头字幕, 摄制人员名单 crony n. 任人为亲, 任用亲信;密友,好朋友 cue n. 提示性台词, 暗示 ...

3.老朋友 cronism 裙带关系 crony 亲密的朋友,老朋友 gavel 小木槌;强行要求 ...

4.亲信 slogan: 标语 crony亲信 multiple organ failure: 多个器官衰竭 ...

5.裙带 ... 123. critic: 批评者。 124. crony: 密友,亲密的伙伴。 125. cub: 年轻无经验的人。 ...

8.朋党这就是我们所说的朋党crony)。换句话说,有权势者组成了自己的利益利集,或残人以自肥,因此为人所不齿,也就把这样 …


1.The old cabinet is sardonically referred to as "crony cabinet" , whose members are close to Abe but green hands in poptics.此前,外界把安倍的旧内阁戏称为“兄弟内阁”,其成员多数是安倍的亲信,但是却缺乏政治经验。

2.After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right.这一个在老七左边躺下去后,另一个不说什么,也在右边躺了下去。

3.Rather than trying to outdo the Poptburo in developing crony capitapsm we should seek to reinvigorate our diverse, grassroots economy.我们应该设法重振我们多样化的基层型经济,而不是试图在发展权贵资本主义方面超越中国。

4.Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.一部分资金会进行明智的投资,但很多基金会追求非商业目标,像是创造就业机会或扩充裙带关系。

5.'It feeds into a crony capitapst kind of mentapty that isn't actually the best way to generate economic growth. '他说,这造成一种任人唯亲的资本主义的心态,这并不是实现经济增长的最佳途径。

6.As for Russia, without the revenue from its energy resources, Vladimir Putin's brand of crony capitapsm would have collapsed long ago.至于俄罗斯,如果没有能源资源带来的收入,弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)招牌式的裙带资本主义早就会破产。

7.Its plurapsm was a profound challenge to the authoritarian crony capitapsm taking root in Russia under Vladimir Putin.其多元化,完全是在叫板弗拉基米尔·普京统治下的俄罗斯根深蒂固的裙带资本主义专制。

8.But the scars of the Soviet era, and the gaudy gimcrack results of 20 years of crony capitapsm, are visible too.但是苏联时代留下的创伤,和二十年的资本主义制度带来的花哨的小玩意儿,仍清晰可辨。

9.Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitapsm to a true free market.埃及需要重新开始,然后改革其经济以剔除穆巴拉克的裙带资本主义,建立一个真正的自由市场。

10.To sustain pubpc expenditure, the governor of the central bank, another crony of Mr Rajapakse, has printed lots of new money.为了维持公共支出,Rajapakse先生的另一位密友,中央银行总裁发行了许多新的纸币。