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第三人称单数:leaps  现在分词:leaping  过去式:leaped  过去式:leapt  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]跳;跳跃;跳越to jump high or a long way

A dolphin leapt out of the water.海豚跃出水面。

We leapt over the stream.我们跳过了那条小溪。

The horse leapt a five-foot wall.那匹马跃过了一道五英尺高的墙。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突然做(某事)to move or do sth suddenly and quickly

She leapt out of bed.她突然翻身下了床。

He leapt across the room to answer the door.他冲过房间去应门。

I leapt to my feet(= stood up quickly) .我赶紧站了起来。

They leapt into action immediately.他们立即断然采取了行动。

She was quick to leap to my defence(= speak in support of me) .她马上挺身而出为我辩护。

The photo seemed to leap off the page(= it got your attention immediately) .那张照片跃然纸上,引人注目。

His name leapt out at me(= I saw it immediately) .他的名字立刻映入了我的眼帘。

3.[i]~ (in sth) (from…) (to…)骤增;剧增;猛涨to increase suddenly and by a large amount

The shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.股价从 476 便士猛涨到收盘时的 536 便士。

IDMlook before you leap三思而后行used to advise sb to think about the possible results or dangers of sth before doing itn.— see alsoquantum leap

1.跳越;跳跃;跳高a long or high jump

a leap of six metres一跳跳了六米

She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.她助跑后一个飞跃跳到小溪的对面。

His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her.他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies.从电视业转向电影业很少有人成功。

2.~ (in sth)骤变;剧增;激增a sudden large change or increase in sth

a leap in profits利润跃升


Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

by/in leaps and bounds非常迅速;飞跃地;突飞猛进;大量地very quickly; in large amounts

Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

a leap in the dark冒险举动an action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be

v.1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过


v.1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie

n.1.a jump, especially one that is long or higstrong.a sudden increase or improvement3.a big change in the way that you think or in what you do

1.跳 ... (拼写)( spelt) ()( leapt) (闻)( smelt ) ...

2.飞跃 leapingly 跳跃地 leapt 飞跃 Lear 李尔王 ...

3.跳跃 haft: 柄 leapt: 跳跃 backward: 向后的 ...

4.力普特 ... leapt : 飞跃 leapt力普特 leapt over : 跳过去 ...

5.药疗法(MDEPT)   3.6.4 凝集素导向酶激活前药疗法LEAPT)   3.6.5 树形聚合物  3.7 结论与展望 参考文献  第4章 扩散控制的药物 …


1.While other people were turning over the matter, he leapt in with his proposal.当别人还在再三考虑这件事时,他迅速提出自己的建议。

2.Several of the Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the floor.几个食死徒又坐回到了椅子中,德拉科瘫在了地板上。

3.We leapt in pke gazelles in front of him, though our morale was at an all-time low.尽管当时被他这句话弄得我们士气极低,我俩还是像瞪羚般跳上了船。

4.This skier really meant it when he said he was going off-piste as he leapt off a mountain cpff face and landed safely 600 feet below.当这位滑雪爱好者说他飞跃悬崖,并从600英尺的高空平安落地时,他是认真的,并不是在开玩笑。

5.But she soon leapt in with a bit of encouragement by Mrs Ashworth, from Lostwithiel, Cornwall.但很快,猫咪在主人的鼓励下跳下了游泳池。

6.The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination.第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。

7.The humpback whale leapt out of the water and pulled the rigging and mast along with it as it spd down the boat.肇事者是一头驼背鲸,它从水面跳出,然后扯下了桅杆上的绳子,把游艇拉翻了。

8.From that reservoir a mile and more below the surface, cold water leapt high into the air at the fantastic rate of 4, 800 gallons a minute.冷水从地下一英里多深的储层里,以难以想象的每分钟4,800加仑的极大流量喷向高空。

9.But no sooner had he made that point then Dennis leapt up and shouted that, no, he had thought the gun was working properly.不过,律师一说到这点,丹尼斯就会跳起来大声说,不是的,他以为那枪是正常的。

10.At the moment, the Great Sage leapt out of the furnace with his as-you-will cudgel, knocked all soldiers down and left.目前,大圣跃居炉出与他作为友,将棍棒,把所有的士兵来了。