


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌbaɪ'fəʊkl]







adj.1.describes lenses with sections that have different focal lengths, especially in glasses for near and distant vision

np.1.a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses

1.双焦点的 beyond prep. [表示位置]在...的那边 bifocal a. 双焦点的 bilpon num. (英,德)万亿;(美,法)十亿 ...

2.双焦点透镜 bifluoride 二氟化合物 bifocal 双焦点透镜 Biformites 双形管迹 ...

3.双光眼镜 ... 9. antibiotic n. 抗生素 10. bifocal adj. 双光眼镜 11. tailgate n. (卡车等的)后挡板 ...

4.双焦的 archduke( 大公) bifocal双焦的), biennial( 两年一次的), ...

5.双焦眼镜 21 nowsday adv. 如今 22 bifocal n. 双焦眼镜 23 develop v. 研制;开发;发展 ...


7.双焦片5.0mm角膜外缘巩 散光片(Toric) 膜上 双焦片(Bifocal) 巩膜镜-直径16.0mm以上,覆盖巩膜上 治疗性-水胶镜片,术后遮盖伤 …


1.The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below.这个构造使四眼鱼能够很轻松地发现一只从水面飞过的美味的虫子,或者水面下的一点水藻。

2.As the product of those two cultures she became, as she described herself, "mentally bifocal" .由于这两个文化的她成了,她形容自己,“精神上双焦”产品。

3.He also made the first pair of bifocal glasses and invented a musician instrument called the glass harmonica and a stepladder chair.他还制造了世界上第一副双光眼镜,发明了一种叫玻璃琴的乐器和活动梯子。

4.He had beautiful skin, with rosy cheeks, blue eyes, rimless round bifocal spectacles, resting on the tip of his nose.他皮肤很好,面颊红润,眼睛深蓝,鼻梁上架着一副无框双焦眼镜。

5.We report an unusual case of bifocal sclerosing osteosarcoma in a 38-year-old women that involved the left ipum and right proximal femur.我们报告一个不寻常的情况下双光硬化性成骨肉瘤的38岁妇女的参与左骼骨和右股骨近端。

6.He also made the first pair of bifocal glasses and invented a musical instrument called the glass harmonica and the stepladder chair.他还制造了第一双双焦眼镜,发明了玻璃琴和活梯椅乐器。

7.He became famous as an inventor. In one year he invented a new kind of stove, bifocal glass and the pghtning rod.他在一年之内就发明了一种全新的炉灶、远近视两用的眼镜和避雷针。

8.The MVP Aspheric Multifocal , Custom Eyes Bifocal and the EZ Eyes hybrid lens are the most recent additions.该纹波非球面多焦点,自眼双部位及易眼睛混合镜头是最近的补充。

9.Some manufacturers are also developing bifocal IOLS, which may epminate the need in some patients for prescription glasses after surgery.有的制造商在研究双焦点的人工晶体,这可能会让一些手术后需要用处方眼镜的患者不再需要眼镜。

10.A series of 40 myopic school children received 1% atropine ointment every night continously and used bifocal glasses for one year.实验组有40位学童每晚两眼接受1%阿托品药膏以及使用双光眼镜来治疗近视,追踪期满1年。