




1.大跃进意去尝试新的事物、特别的事情、学习、成长,我称它为大跃进big jump),它是日本女子排球队想要成为世界前3强的一 …

2.离地大跳跃 Jump 跳跃,可能离地 Big jump 离地大跳跃 Bump 颠簸 ...

3.很大的飞跃天两人差距从300多一下子拉近至97票,他认为是「很大的飞跃」(big jump),亦令他多少感到有点意外。

4.大的跳跃 ... jump: 跳跃 big jump 大的跳跃 long: 长弯道 ...

5.大增幅00002.HK>总裁蓝凌志承认,加电费9.2%为大增幅(big jump),但他指出面不少海外地区电费亦有增加,中电提交立法会已属 …


1.It would be great if you could go from a high glucose level to a normal one in one big jump, with a nice, soft landing.如果你通过软着陆的办法从高血糖状态一下子降到正常水平,这是好现象,但事实上通常不是这样;

2.The last big jump in nominal final sales was set off by the Fed's pquidity injection to fend off the false deflation scare in 2002.最后一次最终销售额的大幅跳跃是在2002年,美联储为了阻挡人们对通货紧缩不必要的恐慌而增加了货币流动性。

3.COSL has taken a big jump in technology and service capacity, and has taken its place in the international market.中海油服的技术水平、服务能力取得了长足的发展,并在国际市场上已经开始占有一席之地。

4.Long, cursory big jump in its tail to help maintain balance.长长的、粗粗的大尾巴帮助它在跳跃中保持平衡。

5.Turnout has been steady across the state, with a big jump in participation in the late hours before the polls close.在宾州各个地区,选民投票率相当稳定,在投票站关闭之前有大量选民参加投票。

6.One-off factors have also contributed to the big jump in oil consumption.若干一次性因素也促进了石油消费的大幅增长。

7.The state media's heavy promotion of the new law has resulted in a big jump in labor disputes.中国国家媒体大力宣传新劳动法导致劳工纠纷大幅增加。

8.But the group's first big jump into British industry could scarcely be ignored: in 2000 Tata Tea bought Tetley, a household name.但是这个集团迈向英国工业的第一次飞跃引人注目:塔塔于2000收购一个家喻户晓的牌子---泰特利。

9.Mexico has kept quieter about its recent accounting revision, but it also involves a big jump.墨西哥对其近来的账目修正则相对低调,但也使GDP出现了一次大跃进。

10.One big jump. gentlemen, the biggest jump this town's ever seen.我要来一次大跳,先生们,这镇上有史以来最大规模的一跳。