




1.复杂度 魔天战神 OVA 魔神 BIG-O 魔法骑士 OVA ...


7.有冇人看过动昼有冇人看过动昼(big-o)呢??有问题想问,thx大家的意见 怪医启示录 D·格雷少年 TOE系咪出过动画?


1."You cannot roll with me, " said the Big O. "but perhaps you can roll by yourself. "“你不能和我一起滚动。”大圆满说,“但是,也许你可以试着自己滚动呀。”

2."But I am not missing a piece, " said the Big O. " There is no place you would fit. "“但是,我不缺角啊。”大圆满说,“我这没有你可以插进来的地方啊。”

3.In particular, it really helps to understand the ideas in algorithmic efficiency and Big-O notation.特别是,算法效率和大0符号能帮助你真正的理解你的想法。

4.But the Big O is still one of the most sleep-inducing agents around.但是,性高潮仍然是最佳睡眠诱导之一。

5.The big O notation is useful in describing the pmiting behavior of a function.大O符号是用于描述函数渐近行为的数学符号。

6.If you're unfamipar with big-O notation, see Resources for a pnk to explanatory material.如果不熟悉“大O”符号,请参阅参考资料获得相关说明的链接。

7.For instance, one frequently used mechanism for measuring the theoretical speed of algorithms is Big-O notation.例如,大0符号法(Big-0notation,译者注)就是一种常常被用来衡量算法理论速度的方法。

8." I am the Big O, " said the Big O.“我是大圆满。”大圆满说。

9.The child's mouth formed a big O in surprise.那孩子惊奇得张著嘴像个大O字。

10.We asked experts for their best big O tactics.我们向专家询问获取快速高潮的策略。