


美式发音: [grænˈti] 英式发音: [grɑ:n'ti:]






n.1.somebody to whom something is transferred in a legal transaction

1.受让人 grant 赠款,财产转让 grantee 受助人,受让人 grant in aid 财政补助金,财政补贴 ...

2.被授与者 grant 开采权;租让 grantee 被授与者 granter 授与者 ...


4.被授予者 ... 1.grocery n. 食品杂货店;杂货业;杂货 2.grantee n. 被授予者,受让人 5.grievance n. 委屈;牢骚;不满意见 ...

5.被授予人 TABLE_NAME 表名 GRANTEE 被授予人 OWNER 拥有者 ...

6.承授人 grant conditions 批地条件;批约条件 grantee 承批人;承授人 grantor 授予人 ...

7.承批人 grant conditions 批地条件;批约条件 grantee 承批人;承授人 grantor 授予人 ...

8.受补助者 受让人 apenee;grantee;releasee;transferee 受补助者 grantee 被授与者 grantee ...


1.In a year, the selection committee will review the progress of each grantee.遴选委员会将在一年的时间里审核每一位受资助者的研究进展。

2.The term "wishes" referred to the state of mind of the grantee.词语“希望”之受让人的心态。

3.The grantor shall not, within the granted period provided for in this contract, withdraw the grantee's right to the use of the granted land.第十八条出让人对受让人依法取得的土地使用权,在本合同约定的使用年限届满前不收回;

4.Perfect costing management system was the institutional grantee of implementing the above circles.建立完善的成本核算管理体系是以上环节实现的制度保证。

5.Special second air blowing system could be grantee the quapty of bottle in order to catch up to the customer's requirement.特殊设计的二次吹气系统,确保瓶子成型质量稳定,达到客户相应的技术标准;

6.The grant may be accepted within 28 days from the day of offer, upon payment of a nominal consideration of HK$10 in total by the grantee.提出授予购股权之建议可自建议之日期起二十八天内,在购股权承授人支付面值总代价港币10元后被接纳。

7.Enables the grantee to take ownership of the securable on which it is granted.允许被授权者获取所授予的安全对象的所有权。

8.Which of the following system privileges can allow the grantee to masquerade as another user and therefore should be granted judiciously?下列哪一项制度的特权,可以让承批人伪装成另一个用户,因此,应准予明智?

9.He has previously worked in the China Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and served as a Fulbright Grantee in Taiwan.他曾在卡内基国际和平基金会的中国项目组工作,并服务于台湾“富布莱特奖学金”组织。

10.N No, the grantee has not been granted this permission by the grantor.N否,授予者没有授予被授予者该权限。