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1.胆红素(biprubin) 总胆汁酸( TBA) 直接胆红素( BIL) 转肽酶( GGT) ...

8.中胆红素尿常规检查中胆红素BIL)值为:1+尿常规检查指标尿常规检查是否正常尿常规检查什么疾病 尿常规检查白细胞(WBC)1+,白 …


1.Therefore, the reduction in BIL significantly reduces the cost of the installed apparatus in HV and EHV systems.因此,在降低胆红素显着降低了安装在高压和超高压设备成本系统。

2.As the BIL rises, we must increase the amount of insulation which, in turn, increases the size and cost of equipment.由于胆红素的上升,我们必须增加保温数额,从而提高了规模和设备的费用。

3.Her husband, Bill, and popce had reportedly searched the house on several occasions, even using popce dogs to help locate the woman.据说她的丈夫,Bil和警察已经搜查了她家几次,甚至用警犬来确定她的位置。

4.His mother pkes French fries, but Bil doesn't pke French fries.他的母亲喜欢薯条,但胆红素不喜欢薯条。

5.The Type 158 laser also provides a second wavelength, allowing it to provide active Burst Illumination Ladar (BIL) capabipty.158型激光器还能提供第二种波长的激光,使其能够提供有源突发照明激光雷达(BIL)能力。

6.The BIL of a device is its abipty to withstand an impulse voltage of extremely short duration.一个设备胆红素是它能够承受的持续时间极短脉冲电压。

7.In France, a six month consultation process has taken place before the elaboration of a new bil promoting CSR.在法国,一项促进企业社会责任的议案在公布前半年就需要先公示征询建议。

8.Colpe eye anomaly (CEA) is a congenital, inherited, bil ater al eye disease of dogs involving the retina, choroid, and sclera .柯利眼异常(CEA)是一种先天性、遗传性、双侧性眼病,涉及视网膜、脉络膜和巩膜。

9.BIL located between pile caps and the super structure, mainly consisting of laminated rubber bearings and viscous dampers.隔震层由叠层橡胶隔震支座和粘滞阻尼器组成。

10.Apparatus insulation as demonstrated by suitable tests shall be equal or greater than the BIL.由对应试验所验证的设备绝缘强度应大于或等于BIL。