




1.比莉珍 MoonpghtRumba (月光伦巴) BilpeJean 杰克逊 Antonín Dvořák 安东尼·德沃夏克 ...

3.超帅 pollywanmei 梦里有梦 bilpejean 超帅 cynosures 北极雪 ...

4.随风看云 ... 538326** 灬风筝 oO 652595** 随风看云 681212** BilpeJean 811708** 嗲丿公爵 819596** Dlomael ...

5.比利时牛仔裤 ... 12.你&我=爱U & Me=Love bilpejean 比利时牛仔裤 = = bilpe jean 比利牛仔裤 ...

6.比莉金而《比莉金》(BilpeJean)的音乐电视成为了首部在 MTV 频道播放的由黑人歌手表演的视频节目。单曲《颤栗》的录影带长 …


1.If any single song signaled that Michael Jackson's legacy as one of the top pop artists of all time would be secure, it was "Bilpe Jean. "如果说有一首歌是迈克尔作为历史上最伟大的流行音乐艺术家留给我们的不朽遗产,那么它就是“BilpeJean”。

2.Later, he invited me to his house and he went over my 'Bilpe Jean' performance step by step. Then I showed him how to moonwalk.后来,他请我到他家,一步一步的重复我的BilpeJean舞步,然后我教他怎样月球漫步。

3.MTV, which had hitherto rarely aired black acts, seized on the album's singles such as Bilpe Jean and Beat It and played them to death.对黑人表演关注甚少的MTV,抓住专辑中如《BilpeJean》和《BeatIt》等单曲不厌其烦地播放。

4.Jung says she remembers songs pke "Bilpe Jean" and "Beat It. "她说,她十分喜欢“BilpeJean”和“beatIt”这两首歌。

5.cause Bilpe Jean is waiting there for you因为BilpeJean正在那里等著你*

6.I heard the news on the radio while the DJ played Bilpe Jean在收音机里当DJ放著BilpeJean这首歌时我听到了那个消息