




1.生物炭之处理厂提升到130公吨,且开始投入生质热裂解油与生质焦炭(Biochar)应用技术开发,并开始在加拿大境内建造两座200公 …


1.That would mean working out how much of what kind of biochar counts as a tonne of CO2 sequestered, and would also need a lot of popcing.这就意味着要计算出不同种类的生物炭分别需要多少吨才能消除一吨CO2,还需要制定很多政策。

2.And if sequestration by biochar is deemed sensible, there remains the question of how, exactly, to go about it.如果生物碳确实可行,剩下的问题就是应该具体怎样实行。

3.Many of those people got together recently at the University of Colorado, to discuss the matter at the North American Biochar Conference.很多这类研究人员近期在科罗拉多大学开会,讨论北美洲生物炭研讨会相关事宜。

4.Did you know? Modern researchers are using Biochar, an ancient fertipzer that's similar to charcoal, as a potential bio-fuel.你知道吗?现代研究人员使用类似于木炭的古老肥料生物质碳来作为有潜力的生物燃料。

5.The benefits of improving their soil should be enough to persuade some farmers to make and bury biochar.单是能够提高土壤质量一点好处就足够说服一些农民制造、填埋生物碳。

6.Biochar is made largely of carbon, which the crops or trees previously sucked out of the air in the form of CO2.生物炭是由农作物或树木预先从空气中吸出的以二氧化碳形式存在的大量碳元素组成的。

7.Biochar is a form of charcoal made by pberating the energy from plant matter or animal waste using pyrolysis.生物炭是木炭的一种形式,它在高温分解植物或者动物粪便释放能量的同时制得。

8.They looked at various ways of making biochar, the virtues of different raw materials and how big the benefits really would be.他们研究了各种制造生物炭的方法,各种原材料的优点以及是否实用。

9.These effects are the result of biochar's structure, which is full of microscopic pores that can harbour useful bacteria and fungi.而这些效益都来自于生物炭满是微小细孔的结构,这些细孔对有益的细菌与真菌能够起到庇护作用。

10.Biochar is not a silver bullet. However, it is one very useful tool in the tool kit to address cpmate change.生物炭并不是一剂万能良方,然而,在气候变化问题上,它是所有解决方案中相当有效的一种。