


美式发音: [daɪˈɡres] 英式发音: [daɪ'ɡres]



第三人称单数:digresses  现在分词:digressing  过去式:digressed  同义词反义词





1.离题;偏离主题to start to talk about sth that is not connected with the main point of what you are saying


v.1.if you digress from a subject, you start to talk or write about something else

1.离题 diminish 减少;消失 digress 离题 divorce 离婚 ...

2.离开本题 digest 消化,吸收,分类 digress 离开本题 dilapidate 使部分毁坏,使破损 ...

3.脱轨 dignity n.尊严,高贵 digress v.离题, 脱轨 dilate v.使膨胀, 使扩大 ...

4.离正题 divorce 离婚 digress 离正题,入歧路 dys- == 不良、恶、困难 ...

5.跑题 pretentious: 矫饰的 digress跑题,漫谈,闲聊 precocious child: 早熟的孩子 ...

6.入歧路 divorce 离婚 digress 离正题,入歧路 dys- == 不良、恶、困难 ...

7.离题用 ... 指脱离管辖、信仰等,离题用 digress 军队之类滴"撤退"用 retreat ...

8.离题v whirlpool 漩涡n digress 离题v monologue 独白,个人长篇演说n ...


1.I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress (from my subject) for a moment.我可以离题一会儿给大家讲个有趣的故事。

2.Although our relationship did not progress or digress as I imagined or feared, I couldn't have written a more perfect story.虽然我们的关系没有进展,像我想象中的或担心的那样,我无法写出更精彩的故事。

3.Many traditional GDS systems revolve around the objective being a transaction rather than marketing but I digress.很多传统的GDS系统的目标都是围绕交易系统而不是市场体系运作。

4.May I digress from our discussions for a moment and remind you that the train leaves at ten o'clock.我可以暂时打断一下讨论吗,我要提醒你,火车10点开。

5.Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。

6.I mean really, once they epminated the choking hazard, it was all downhill for me. Anyway, I digress. . .我是说真的,一旦他们消除了窒息的危险,那就都是我要走的下坡路。

7.Like I needed to tell you who played who, but I digress. . .我好像应该告诉大家谁耍了谁,但那样的话我可就跑题了…

8.Do not digress into these new questions without first discussing them with your collaborators.在和合作者讨论之前,不要被这些新的问题牵走了注意力。

9.Before jumping into the meat of the article, let's briefly digress with a discussion of the philosophy involved.在跳到本文前,让我们简要的离题去讨论一些复杂的问题。

10.But I digress, the movie has a strong environmental message.抱歉我跑题了。这部电影包含了一个明显的环保讯息。