




1.乐高积木及其他计算机辅助型家庭制造工具的普及,给希望控制从乐高拼装玩具Legos)到枪支部件等各种模型的任何公司或政府造 …



1.Grant just stayed in his room, in his pajamas, playing with his Legos as if this conversation never happened.而Grant则穿着他大大的睡衣,待在房间里玩积木,好像我什么都没说过一样。

2.He's been a good sport , but he's weary of Danish-made Legos, the only sure bet for birthday gifts for his friends.他一直是一个重情义的人,但是他还是厌倦了把丹麦生产的“乐高”拼装玩具送给朋友作为生日礼物。

3.These words are the basic Legos of pop songs, nothing but overly famipar shapes until they're built into something.这些词句是流行乐里最基本的素材,其本身太过面熟,只有成为构建其他意象的一部分时才会被赋予含义。

4.Time that I once spent quietly reading or even vegging-out in front of the TV is now spent building Legos or catching up on sleep.曾经安静阅读甚至在电视前消遣的时间现在被用来堆Legos玩具积木或补觉。

5.He builds giant castles with giant Legos, rides his shiny bike down a country road with his feet off the pedals.宝贝用属于他的世界的巨大积木来搭建巨大城堡,骑着他闪闪的自行车去乡下,其实那时他的脚都没有在踩踏板上。

6.I'm going to set the kitchen timer and when it rings, all of the Legos need to be in the box.现在我就去把厨房的计时表定上计时,计时表响的时候,所有的玩具都要被装进乐高箱子。

7.Famously Danish Legos. At least I thought they were Danish.著名的丹麦乐高玩具,至少我一直以为它们是丹麦的。

8.Leave the dry cereal and Legos at home and bring snacks and toys for your kids that won't make a horrible mess.把干谷类食物和乐高玩具留在家里,只带那一些不至于(在飞机上)搞得一团糟的小零食和玩具。

9.What would you give to earn a six-figure salary for playing with Legos all day?你会为了整天玩积木而放弃6位数的薪水吗?

10.You might be bored to death from playing with Legos or spending afternoons on a playground.可能每个下午都玩乐高玩具或者在游乐场玩会让你觉得无聊得要死。