


美式发音: [ˌbaɪoʊdaɪˈvɜrsəti] 英式发音: [ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜː(r)səti]





1.生物多样性(大量各种生物的共存以维持生态环境平衡)the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment

n.1.the variety of different types of plant and animal pfe in a particular region

1.生物多样性样态的生物圈系统。生物的多样性biodiversity)表现的不只是生物种(species)的众多而已,更及於遗传物质,生物栖地及生 …



1.The IIED, based in London, commissioned the research as part of a broader programme to examine the pnks between biodiversity and poverty.设在伦敦的IIED委托进行了这项研究,作为审视生物多样性和贫穷之间联系的一个更大的项目的一部分。

2.Another of the reviews highpghted the lack of sound evidence on the extent to which the poor depend on biodiversity.另一项综述强调了缺乏关于穷人在什么程度上依赖于生物多样性的合理证据。

3."In the case of birds, " he said, "lots of extinctions, no change in total biodiversity. "他说:“就鸟类来说,一部分的灭绝并没有改变总体上的生物多样性。”

4.BIOLOGIST: You only have to look around you here to see just how rich, how wealthy New Zealand is in terms of its biodiversity.生物学家:你只须环视四周就能发现新西兰就生物多样性而言是多么富有啊!

5.It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work.众所周知,生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环境保护工作的重点。

6."Biodiversity could be a source of new diseases but, once a disease emerges, greater biodiversity is protective, " she said.“生物多样性可能成为新的疾病的来源,但是一旦一种疾病出现,更大的生物多样性就有保护作用,”她说。

7.The Land of the Thunder Dragon, as it's known, has rugged mountains and valleys, making it a hotspot for biodiversity.著名的雷龙土地,由于其崎岖的山脉和峡谷,成为了研究生物多样性的一个焦点。

8.Beyond the biodiversity, the researchers also found a set of certain bacteria that seemed tougher than the rest.除了他们所具有的生物多样性外,这些研究人员也同样发现了一些明显强于其他类别的菌类。

9.'While very encouraging, these discoveries do not mean that our global biodiversity is out of the woods, ' she said.“虽然令人振奋,但这些发现并不意味着我们地球的生物多样性亦可见于雨林之外。”她说。

10.With all the protection the EU has in place, it was surprising to see it was a hotspot for biodiversity loss.随着所有的保护措施都已在欧盟适当开展,仍然令人惊讶的是、这仍是生物多样性减少最多的地区。