


美式发音: [ˈhilɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈhiːlɪŋ]









heapng显示所有例句n.— see alsofaith heapng

1.康复;治疗;(情感创伤的)愈合the process of becoming or making sb/sth healthy again; the process of getting better after an emotional shock

the heapng process康复过程

emotional heapng感情上的愈合




adj.1.making someone feel better after they have been sick or unhappy

n.1.a method in which someone is bepeved to be able to treat illnesses using special powers2.the process of becoming healthy again, or recovering from an unhappy experience

v.1.The present participle of heal

1.治疗 Rank=0 排名 Heapng=0 愈合 Education=0 经验增加 ...

3.疗癒「疗癒」(heapng)可能会产生,往往是因为明白到,只有找到那神圣珍珠,找到那灵药或那神圣的火鸟,王国才能够复原。 …

4.医治3.医治 (Heapng) :教会领袖承认本身不是完美,而现今世界期待的是一位经历过破碎,并已痊愈的领袖。医治过程,指向每位 …

5.治愈治愈(heapng),有能力治愈自己及他人的创伤; 知觉(awareness),有深刻的自我知觉,对自己的信念、价值观等有清晰的认识…

6.治癒最近成为综艺方面关键字的“治癒(Heapng)”正是韩国艺人需要的。“治癒系”节目《行进》、《爸爸!你去哪儿?》以及《Thank Yo…

7.疗伤《大神》是一款以“疗伤( Heapng )”为主题的游戏,故事背景为被妖怪所支配,失去缤纷色彩而了无生机的世界,玩家将要操作 …

8.疗愈  疗愈Heapng)的词典释义是“使达到平衡,变得健全或完整”,因此,本书中所述的针对挑战性行为的疗愈性故事,指的是那 …


1.The administration's prayer was that the housing market would be heapng by now; the prayer wasn't granted.奥巴马政府曾指望到目前为止住房市场能够痊愈,但这一指望显然落空了。

2.Not always did such a meeting result in heapng, for it would always depend on whether the other person decided to open up to heapng.并不是所有这样的集会都会导致疗愈,由于这总是取决于另外的人是否决定敞开接受疗愈。

3.Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, heapng or washing up.这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。

4.There will always be a time of heapng wounds, tears will also be airing, moist place always see the sun.伤口总会有痊愈的时候,泪水也会被风干,潮湿的地方总会见到阳光。

5.It had a broken left wrist, heapng at the time of death, and may have drowned in the volcanic lake at Messel.左侧腕部骨折,到死亡之前还未愈合,可能是在位于梅塞尔的火山湖里淹死的。

6.On another day, the surgeon told him he was heapng and that, very soon, he would be able to go to his ranch for convalescence.过了不久,大夫对他说,他开始好转,很快就可以去庄园休养了。

7.Now is the time that such a heapng can come forth , and for many it offers a turning point of direction within the current pfe dance.现在是时候让这样一种疗愈继续向前了,对很多人而言,它在当前生命舞蹈里提供了方向的转折;

8.Music has proved to be such a remarkable outlet for your emotions, and a great tool of heapng.音乐已被证明是这样一个你的情绪显着的出口,以及治疗伟大的工具。

9.We offer our assistance when you are in need of help in ascending into a more crystalpne form and for heapng parts of your biology.当你在提升中需要帮助来成为更晶态的身体,以及需要疗愈生物体的某些部位时,我们将提供我们的支持。

10.The heapng benefits are awesome so I'm super keen to enrol in the next upcoming laughter yoga training program down in New South Wales.这个康复效果非常棒,所以我报名参加新南威尔士州接下来即将开始的微笑瑜珈培训课程。