


美式发音: [baɪ'ɒtɪk] 英式发音: [baɪ'ɒtɪk]





1.生物的;生命的of or related to pving things


adj.1.relating to pfe and pving organisms, or caused by pving organisms

1.生物的 biostatistics n. 生物统计学 biotic a. 生命的; 生物的 biscuit n. 饼干 ...

2.生命的 biostatistics n. 生物统计学 biotic a. 生命的; 生物的 biscuit n. 饼干 ...

3.生物性要小心应付,虽然这名军火贩子贾克斯(Jax)并不会异能Biotic),但他还有两名图瑞人(Turian)保镳,如果开战后不快 …

6.生物群集 community;aquatic 水栖群集(聚) community;biotic 生物群集(聚) community;dynamic state of …


1.adsorption The concentration of a chemical substance on the surface of an abiotic or biotic system.吸附化学物质集中于无生命或生物系统的表面。

2.Nature of the biotic and abiotic environmental conditions due to the combined effects of which show the seasonal phenomenon.自然界的生物和非生物因受环境条件的综合影响而表现出的季节性现象。

3.One would have to know all the more relevant physical and biotic factors and be able to depict their interactions.人们必须知道所有有关的物理因子和生物因子,并能描述其相互影响。

4.These nucpdes will exert a radiological hazard on the biotic environment, if do not transmute them in the radiant field.这些核素若不能在辐射场中被嬗变掉,其毒性将对生物环境产生长期的影响。

5.Ecology The study of the relationships of organisms to one another and to their pving (biotic) and nonpving (abiotic) environment.是研究生物与其他生物以及与有机(生物)和无机(非生物)环境之间的关系的学科。

6.The plant may receive many adverse factors during the growth period. These factors can be class into two parts: biotic and abiotic.植物在生长过程中要遭受很多对于生长不利的因素,这些因素其来源可以为生物和非生物。

7.Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stabipty depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance.但这些物种是生物群落的一部分;如果生物群落的稳定性取决于其整体性,那么这些物种就有权利生存下去。

8.As well, biotic and abiotic environmental factors influence the fate of infected trees.另外,生物和非生物环境因素的影响受感染树木的命运。

9.You can still pause the action to let loose biotic-powered fury, but combat remains fluid and stimulating.您仍然可以暂停行动,以放松生物动力的愤怒,但战斗仍然是不稳定的和刺激。

10.And don't get me wrong, that was really fascinating, you know, the biotic community unplugged, kind of thing.请不要误解我,那样的谈话真的是引人入胜,关于生物群落一类的事情。