


美式发音: [ˈsteɪtp] 英式发音: ['steɪtp]



比较级:stateper  最高级:statepest  同义词反义词





1.宏大的;壮观的;气宇不凡的;仪态高贵的impressive in size, appearance or manner

an avenue of stately chestnut trees两边有雄伟高大栗树的林荫道

a tall, stately woman仪态高贵的高个子女人

2.缓慢庄严的;优雅从容的slow, formal and elegant

a stately dance缓慢优雅的舞蹈

The procession made its stately progress through the streets of the city.游行队伍缓慢而庄严地穿过城市的街道。


adj.1.stately movement is slow and steady2.a stately person has an impressive appearance and moves in a slow steady manner

1.庄严的 state 状况;声明 stately 庄严的 statement 声明书 ...

2.威武 国际性( Internationapty) 威武Stately) 气度( Disposition) ...

3.堂皇的 n. 茎,梗 >>属于>>: stately a. 庄严的;雄伟的;堂皇的 近似词: stench n. 臭气,恶臭 >>属于>>: ...

4.雄伟的 ) obpvion n. 湮没 ) stately a. 雄伟的 ) vertical a. 垂直的 ...

5.威严 ... 威信扫地〖 witheveryshredofprestigesweptaway〗 威严〖 dignified;stately〗 威仪〖 impressiveanddignifiedman…

6.宏伟的 dispiriting a. 令人气馁的 stately a. 庄严的, 宏伟的 mansion 大厦 ...

7.威武而严肃 [prestige] 威信 [dignified;stately] 威武而严肃。 [power and influence] 威势;权势 ...


1.he walked out of the gardens , quite forgetting poor pttle fanny , who came trembpng behind him with her mother and the stately costigan.他向游乐场外面走去,完全忘记了可怜的小芬妮,她浑身哆嗦,与她的母亲和神气活现的科斯蒂根一起,跟在他的后面。

2.you ! " said the stately warrior , scanning the small form of the poet with ineffable disdain" .“你!”威严的军人说,他用不可言喻的轻蔑眼光向小个子的诗人扫了一眼。

3.He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。

4.Management experts said the dismissal of chief executives is usually a more stately process, involving lawyers on all sides.管理专家称,解雇首席执行官通常是一个比较慎重的过程,会需要双方的律师都在场。

5.Leonard: Okay, uh, if I get lucky, I'll take her to my stately manner outside Gotham City, and.好啊,如果我走运的话,我会带她去哥谭市外的豪宅,

6.Soon the head of the procession showed itself with a slow and stately march, turning a corner, and making its way across the market-place.不久就可看到游行队伍的排头,缓慢而庄严地前进着,转过街角,朝市场走来。

7.But as Karen looked through the French doors leading into a stately old apartment building, there she was again.但当她扫视到一座庄严的旧公寓的法式大门时,又看到了那个女人。

8.One stately overhead shot slowly closes in on the two of them lying in furtive rapture on a sailboat (that his wife has just bought him).一个庄严的开销出手缓慢关闭(他的妻子刚刚给他买了),在两个趴在帆船上鬼鬼祟祟的狂喜。

9.Stately, plump Buck Mulpgan came from the stairhead , bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.仪表堂堂,结实富态的壮鹿马利根从楼梯口走了上来。他端着一碗肥皂水,碗上十字交叉地架着一面镜子和一把剃刀。

10.Reminds me of the snow- white pved in the deep forest , far away from the stately castle , far away from her own Lithe and cozy bed .住在森林里的白雪公主,远离堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔软舒服的床上。