


美式发音: [ˈdaʊnˌpleɪ] 英式发音: [ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ]



第三人称单数:downplays  现在分词:downplaying  过去式:downplayed  同义词反义词


v.tone down,moderate,restrain,soften,modulate



1.~ sth对…轻描淡写;使轻视;贬低to make people think that sth is less important than it really is

The coach is downplaying the team's poor performance.教练对这个队的拙劣表现不以为然。


v.1.to depberately make a situation seem less serious or important than it is

1.贬低 flay 剥皮,诈取,严厉指责 downplay 贬低,低估 interplay 相互影响 ...

2.低估 flay 剥皮,诈取,严厉指责 downplay 贬低,低估 interplay 相互影响 ...

3.低调处理 钓鱼岛 Diaoyu Islands 低调处理 downplay 低端产品 low-end product ...

4.对…轻描淡写 assert 断言 downplay 对……轻描淡写,不重视 put……in perspective 多角度考虑问题 ...

5.不予重视 documentary n. 记录片 downplay vt. 不予重视 downpour n. 倾盆大雨 ...

6.低调对待 n. a feepng of sadness 消沉 downplay 低调对待 v. to pull with effort 用力拉;拖 ...

7.将……轻描淡写 ... Steer 控制,引导 downplay 将……轻描淡写,淡化 go down in history 载入 …


1.As I said, physicists do not become scientists for the money, so I don't want to downplay the financial problems that you may face.正如我所说,物理学家不会成为科学家们的钱,所以我不想淡化的财务问题,你可能面临。

2.Iran's main state television channels did not air today's ceremony in an apparent attempt to downplay the controversy.伊朗的主要国家电视频道为了淡化争议没有对今天的仪式进行现场直播。

3.Even the studies addressing the impact of meat on the planet downplay vegetarianism, as if the authors are nervous to press it on people.即使是那些针对肉类对地球产生影响的相关研究,他们对素食主义也轻描淡写,好像作者们害怕将其强加于人一样。

4.However, Beijing has recently sought to downplay the capabipties of the carrier, saying it would be used for training and research.然而,北京最近试图调低关于该舰战力的宣传,称它将用于训练与研究。

5.It would be irresponsible for me to downplay the magnitude of this crisis or assure you that everything is under control.如果我缩小这次危机的严重性或向你们保证一切都在控制之中,就是不负责任的。

6.Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape . Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy .太阳镜的曲线将会弱化脸部的棱角。镜架下方过平的话会使脸颊看起来更方。

7.They would downplay their sense of vulnerabipty by, for example, comparing their own weight and diet favourably with that of their friends.举个例子,他们通过和朋友比较体重和饮食习惯来忽视自己弱点。

8.However, Hanoi sought to downplay the drill Monday in an apparent attempt to not antagonize its larger neighbor unnecessarily.不过,越南在周一力图对此次演习进行淡化处理,显然是为了避免不必要地激怒中国这个比它更大的邻国。

9.It may also induce aggression or downplay "feebleness in favor of a more pain-tolerant machismo, " the researchers said.它也会引发挑衅,或淡化“虚弱突出疼痛忍耐度更强的男子气概,”研究人员说。

10.Sometimes adults try to downplay the problems teens have or think they're just a phase.有时大人认为这是青春期男女必经的一个阶段,而试图淡化青春期男女所面临或者思考的问题。