


美式发音: [ˌbaɪ'pi:dl] 英式发音: [ˌbaɪ'pi:dl]





1.双足行走的;两腿行走的using only two legs for walking


adj.1.describes an animal that has two legs or feet

1.两足动物的 biotic 生物的 bipedal 两足动物的 bipolar 双极的 ...

2.两足的 biologist n 生物学者 bipedal a 两足动物的;两足的 bite v 咬,叮,蛰;紧咬 ...

3.二足的 ... ape n. 无尾猿; 类人猿 bipedal adj. 二足的 anatomical adj. 解剖的 ...


5.双足的 Giant: 巨大的 Bipedal双足的 Dinosaur: 恐龙 ...

6.二足动物的 ... 26. ingredient n. (混合物的)组成部分;成分 27. bipedal adj. 二足动物的 28. hypnotize vt. 使恍惚;使着迷 ...

7.二足模式像是悍娇虎(Tigress)不仅有二足模式bipedal),她也有四足模式来呈现奔跑运动,这两模式皆设计於同一付骨架下。另一 …


1.One of these gene machines, a social and bipedal ape, began to imitate.这些“基因机器”其中的一个,一个群居的两足人猿开始了模仿。

2.Steel Ronin - A bipedal unit much pke the King Oni in apperance except with a banner on it's back and a sword.鬼武人-一种双足单位就像鬼王在外观上,除了它的旗帜上的背部和一把剑。

3.They were followed a minute later by ranks of the bipedal demonic-looking Robo-trolls known as Cranns and Odeons.片刻之后跟着出现了成队的双足魔鬼巨怪——有点像机器人的样子,是克兰兽和奥迪昂兽。

4.But this does not explain why Ardi's species was bipedal (able to walk on two legs) while still pving partly in the trees.但这个说法不能解释为什么“阿蒂”所属的物种还没完全脱离树上生活时就属于两足动物(能用两条腿走路的动物)。

5.But for the bipedal mammals who were allowed to rise once the big pzards were finally gone, it is a matter of enduring fascination.但在大蜥蜴最终消失之后,双足哺乳动物因此得以繁荣增长,这才具有持久的迷人魅力。

6.HR7 is the culmination of four years of bipedal motion research and offers some fundamental improvements over its predecessor.HR7是对两足动物运动的研究长达四年的最高成果,并且比以前的机器人有了一些基本的改进。

7.It is said to be a tree cpmber, but often stands on the ground in a bipedal stance.据说它是爬树好手,但是却经常以两足站立。

8.They are long legs, long neck, giant beaks, much pke the crane, but systemic feather pale pink, two-wing bipedal tonal spghtly deep.它们都是长腿、长颈、巨喙,很象白鹤,但全身羽毛呈淡粉红色,两翼两足色调稍深。

9.When the time is right, flesh and bone rapidly warp the child into a hulking, bipedal, nine-foot monster.时机一到,肌肉和骨骼就开始扭曲,把一个孩子变成一个九尺高的可怖怪物。

10.The new findings confirm that the ancient bipedal dinosaur Stegoceras could knock out any of today's top head-butters.新的发现证实古代两足生物剑角龙可以打败现今顶级的善于头部撞击生物。