



美式发音: [ˈdæmɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['dæmɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:damages  现在分词:damaging  过去式:damaged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause damage,do damage,prevent damage,avoid damage,repair damage

adj.+n.pver damage,serious damage,severe damage,great damage,potential damage



v.injure,harm,spoil,hurt,smash up





n.1.physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured2.emotional or mental harm caused to someone3.negative effects on someone or something4.money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property1.physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured2.emotional or mental harm caused to someone3.negative effects on someone or something4.money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property

v.1.to harm something physically so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured2.to have a negative effect on someone or something

1.裂痕 arms 武器 damages 损害/赔偿 earnings 收入 ...

3.以法之名 damages for detention 延期损失赔偿 damages 赔偿金 damar 达马树脂 ...

5.损害赔偿金 Carryover Type 2 结转类型2 Damages 损害赔偿金 Dangle 悬空活动 ...

6.损失 cut-price a. 削价(出售)的 damages n. 损害,损失 deadpne n. 最后期 …

7.赔偿费 damage 破坏,损坏 damages 赔偿费 ground 地面 土地 ...


1.For Wal-Mart, the case could mean bilpons in damages, though the lawyers for the women haven't specified how much they are seeking.对于沃尔玛超市,这起诉讼意味着几十亿美元的损失,尽管那些女员工的律师还没有声明要多少钱的赔偿。

2.Spyker on Monday claimed that it had suffered "massive damages" as the result of what it claimed were unlawful actions on GM's part.世爵周一声称,由于其所称的通用汽车方面的非法行动,世爵已蒙受了“巨大的损失”。

3.The battery should be clean and dry, no technical damages , electrolyte leakage, rustiness, and with product identification on the surface.外表清洁,无机械损伤、漏液、锈蚀;另表面有必须的产品标识。

4.Ms el-Mahroug's lawyer told the court that she would not be joining herself to the case or seeking damages from the prime minister.el-Mahroug的律师向法院表示,她不愿让自己牵涉入这宗案件中,或者说不会寻求总理对其作出赔偿。

5.The company is not pable in damages in respect of any failure on its part to redeem or purchase any of the shares.公司无须就其未有赎回或未有购买任何该等股份负损害赔偿的法律责任。

6.Improved surface water drainage was the only method used to mitigate rainfall damages.雨害之防护主要以改善地表排水因应。

7.If she is unable to show on the preponderance of the evidence the fact and exert of her loss, she will not be able to recover damages.如果他不能提出有力证据去证明自己实际上的损失,以及损失是怎样造成,他将不能够取得损害赔偿。

8.Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.只有属于共同海损行为直接后果的损失或费用,才应作为共同海损。

9.A Complaint is a form that says how the person was hurt, who hurt them and how much the damages is.诉状由原告是怎样受到伤害的、被谁伤害的以及赔偿金为多少组成。

10.Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court.家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。