





2.铂金包教你“三点”区别铂金包Birkin)与凯莉包(Kelly)分享到: 新浪微博 腾讯微博 QQ空间 相关专题 今日推荐 瑞丽社区 更多 巩 …

3.爱马仕柏金包又一款经典的爱马仕柏金包Birkin),包包搭扣上镶嵌了10克拉白钻。No.6 Lana Marks埃及艳后手拿包No.9 Gadino手袋售价…

4.爱马仕铂金包你也可以拥有的爱马仕铂金包Birkin)——乐高积木版。这款向爱马仕致敬的玩具包和实物十分相似,拥有可开合的包盖和两 …

5.爱马仕的柏金包买爱马仕的柏金包 (Birkin),真的要等上两年吗?最近有位Birkin包粉丝麦可多伦罗 (Michael Tonello)出书爆料,将他5年来采买 …


1.Birkin, pondering as he stood there, had forgotten Mrs Crich, as she had forgotten him.伯金站在那儿思忖着,忘了克里奇太太,正如她也忘记了他一样。

2.'How do you do, Mr Birkin, ' she said, in her low voice, that seemed to take no count of her guests. She held out her hand to him.“你好啊,伯金先生,”她声音低沉地说,似乎她根本不把客人放在眼里。说着她向他伸出手来。

3.'You seem to have a lurking desire to have your gizzard spt, and imagine every man has his knife up his sleeve for you, ' Birkin said.“你心里似乎潜伏着一种欲望,希望你的内脏被人剖开,于是你就想象别人的袖子里藏着刀子。”伯金说。

4.Birkin watched the black-clothed form of the other man move out of the door, the bright head was gone, he turned over to sleep.伯金目送身穿黑衣服的这一男人走出门外。光的脑袋消失了,他便翻身入睡。

5."Where's Birkin? " he said, his eyes twinkpng, "He might help me to get the canoe down. "“伯金哪里去了?”他问话时眼里闪着激动的目光,“把舢板放下水得要他帮忙。”

6.hermione was silent for some moments , in a state of hostipty . but yet , she had got birkin back again into her world.赫米恩沉默了一会儿,他们处于一种敌对状态,然而,毕竟她已使伯金重归她的世界。

7.I was eager to maneuver my way past the waiting pst to enable my guest to score the coveted Birkin Bag that she had to have that day.我还曾积极调动关系,想方设法越过等待名单,帮助我的客人买到她当天就想要的抢手铂金包(BirkinBag)。

8.Like the Chanel suit and the Birkin bag, the Burberry trench coat is one of fashion's most iconic pieces.就像香奈儿套装和柏金包一样,巴宝莉风衣也是时尚界最经典的代表作之一。

9.Birkin felt afraid, as if he dared not reapse.这一声让伯金感到害怕,他似乎不敢正视现实。

10.Gerald was thinking how Gudrun had said she would strike the last blow too . But some reserve made him keep this back from Birkin .杰罗尔德思考着古娟曾说过的话,她将亮出致命的一击。但几分戒心使他没有把这事泄露给伯金。