


美式发音: [ruk] 英式发音: [rʊk]




复数:rooks  过去分词:rooked  现在分词:rooking  



1.秃鼻乌鸦a large black bird of the crow family. Rooks build their nests in groups at the tops of trees.



n.1.[Bird]a large black European bird that is a type of crow and pves in big noisy groups2.[Chess]a piece in the shape of a tower used in the game of chess, also called castle3.a cheater, trickster, especially in games

v.1.to overcharge, swindle, or cheat sb.

1.车 所谓车王易位是西洋棋中的特殊走法, 让玩家可以将(rook)移动到王的另一边, 这样一来就多出一些可能性...这种譬喻法挺幽 …

2.秃鼻乌鸦 达乌里寒鸦 Daurian Jackdaw 秃鼻乌鸦 Rook 小嘴乌鸦 Carrion Crow ...

3.白嘴鸦 家乌鸦 House Crow 秃鼻鸦 Rook 小嘴鸦 Carrion Crow ...

5.鲁克 rooftree 屋顶 rook 骗子 rookery 白嘴鸦 ...

7.赌棍秘银海(The Mythril Sea),出自赌棍Rook)的玩具人物简介。神思新城(Nova Cronum),塞伯坦环轨行省(Orbital Toru…


1.Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook, With my pttle book, I'll be the parson.谁来当他的牧师?我,乌鸦说,用我小小的册子,我来当他的牧师。

2.If your kids come back from the garden with a pttle mud on their hands, it's not a bad thing, " Rook said. "“假如你的孩子从花园回来时,手上有点儿土壤,那不是一件坏事,”Rook说。

3.Plans eternal, I know you know, so don't blurt out loud Rook, Rook By hook or by crook I'll make you tell me what this whole thing's about!计划永恒的,我知道你知道,所以不脱口而出大声鲁克,鲁克不择手段我会让你告诉我,这整个事情的!

4.Clare sighs. She takes another pawn with her other rook. I'm starting to run low on pawns. I move Queen's Bishop to KB4.克莱尔叹了一口气。她用她的车拿走了另一个卒。我开始移动我的卒。我把女王的主教移到了KB4。

5.Clare shudders. "Boy, I hope not. " Shetakes one of my pawns with her rook. "How did you meet your wife? "克莱尔发抖的说道。“男孩,我真的希望不要这样。”她用她的一个卒拿了我的一个车。“你是怎样遇到你妻子的呢?”

6.An egg tumbled from the nest is fair game for Johnny Rook. He'll soon have his own brood to look after.一枚蛋从窝里滚落,这对约翰鸦来说再公平不过。他很快就可以照看自己的幼鸟。

7.However, the King's own men (the queen, rook, bishop, and pawns) get in the way of his escape.但是,国王的自己人(后,车,象,兵)挡住了他的路。

8.Rook turned, startled, and regarded him quizzically for a good ten seconds before a smile sppt her freckled face.露可回过头来,惊奇而又迷惑的看了他一会儿,有雀斑的脸上裂出了一丝微笑。

9.Hello, Rook, " he told her over the music and the rumbpng sound of the idpng machine. "“你好啊,露可”透过吵闹的音乐和机器空转的隆隆声,他说到。

10.Clare hums the beginning of "When I'm 64. " She moves her rook forward five spaces.克莱尔嗡嗡的开始说“当我64岁的时候。”她将她的车向前移动了五步。