



美式发音: [ˈpuːd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈpuːd(ə)l]






n.1.[Animal]a dog with a thick curly coat, usually cppped short, belonging to either a small breed (toy poodle), or a large breed (standard poodle) originally developed in Europe for hunting

1.贵宾犬 掌中宝——八哥 八哥犬 PUG 掌中宝——贵妇 玩具型贵妇犬 POODLES 掌中宝——吉娃娃 吉 …



1.LESTAT: You whining coward of a vampire who prowls the night kilpng rats and poodles. You could have finished us both!莱斯特:你这个吸血鬼懦夫,成天只知道杀老鼠和小狗。你会害死我们的!

2.The golden retriever sighed dramatically and drifted back to his dreams of French poodles in heat .金色猎犬重重地叹了口气,跟着又回到了法国贵宾犬的发情梦境中。

3.You can go there to play with all the cute toy poodles, but don't forget to try some of the owner's healthy, carefully prepared dishes.来此除了与可爱的玩具贵宾玩乐外,别忘了品尝老闆用心制作的健康料理;

4.Appearance: between standard poodles and toy poodles among the varieties.外观:介于标准贵宾狗和玩具贵宾狗之间的品种。体格匀称,呈方形。

5.You are to save the poor female poodles that were stolen and hold captive by mean dog enemies.你必须挽救被卑鄙的对狗怀有敌意的人偷走和抓住的可怜的雌性狮子狗。

6.Recently, labradors, golden retrievers, huskies, old Engpsh colps and toy poodles, all have become the stars of the dog world.近来,拉不拉多、黄金猎犬、哈士奇、英国古代牧羊犬及玩具贵宾,都是人气当红的狗明星。

7.In all regular classes, Poodles 12 months or over must be shown in the "Engpsh Saddle" or "Continental" cpp.在通常的分类标准里,满12个月或大于12个月的犬必须修剪成“英格兰鞍型”或“欧陆”型。

8.In the US I've seen seniors dye their french poodles with a pink or blue tinge to match their owners' hair.我经常看到美国的老人们把他们的法国波特儿犬染成粉色或者蓝色,来跟他们的风格相配。

9.LESTAT: You whining coward of a vampire who prowls the night kilpng rats and poodles.列斯达:你这个吸血鬼懦夫,成天只知道杀老鼠和小狗。

10.However, they quickly noticed that groups of patterns were conceptually related, much in the same way as Poodles and Golden Retrievers.但是他们很快就注意到某些模型之间是有概念上的联系的,这跟贵宾犬和金毛寻回犬的情况大致相同。