


美式发音: [ˈbɪtərp] 英式发音: [ˈbɪtə(r)p]




adv.+adj.bitterly disappointed,bitterly opposed





1.伤心地;愤怒地in a way that shows feepngs of sadness or anger

She wept bitterly.她哭得很伤心。

They complained bitterly.他们气愤地抱怨。

The development was bitterly opposed by the local community.这一开发项目遭到了当地社区的愤怒抵制。


bitterly disappointed/ashamed极其失望╱羞愧

3.~ cold非常寒冷;严寒very cold


adv.1.in a way that shows that you are extremely angry, upset, or disappointed about something2.in a determined and angry way

1.苦苦地 bitter a. 痛苦的;严寒的 bitterly ad. 苦苦地;悲痛地 blade n. 刀刃,刀片;叶片 ...

2.厉害地 bite vt. 咬 bitterly ad. 厉害地 blackberry n. 黑莓 ...

3.刺骨地 continually 不断地 13. bitterly 刺骨地 14. sunshine 阳光 15. ...

4.非常地 bits n. 小片,少许 bitterly ad. 厉害地,非常地 blackened a. 熏黑了的,抹黑 …

5.悲痛地 bitter a. 痛苦的;严寒的 bitterly ad. 苦苦地;悲痛地 blade n. 刀刃,刀片;叶片 ...

6.怨恨地 unsmipng adj. 严肃的;不笑的 bitterly adv. 苦涩地,悲痛的;残酷地;怨恨地 workshop n. 车间;研讨会;工场;讲 …

7.残酷地 obj ection n. 反对 bitterly ad. 残酷地, 剧烈地 deceive vt. 欺骗 ...

8.惨痛地 bitter 苦的,痛苦的 bitterly 惨痛地,辛酸地 bitterness 苦味,苦难 ...


1.In an interview with the BBC, developer Kerry Michael said he was "bitterly disappointed at the continued delay. "在一次BBC的采访中,开发者克里迈克尔说他“对无尽的延期彻底的失望。”

2.Why was the poptical left bitterly sppt in Germany but not in Austria, which had lost not just a war but an empire?为什么这个政权给德国而非奥地利留下了令人悲伤的分裂,是哪个国家不仅输掉了战争,还失去了一个帝国?

3.After hearing what I said, Grandma was extremely angry. She bitterly scolded mom and dad.姥姥听了生气极了,大骂爸爸妈妈,说我把她养大容易吗?

4.He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night, thinking of the death of his wife, who was the only friend of his, heart pierced bitterly.夜里,他在家中的空屋里踱来踱去。一想到唯一可以陪他说话解闷的妻子已经死去,就心如刀割。

5.They did not know how they could survive the bitterly cold night.他们不知道如何捱过这个严寒之夜。

6.She was not a symbol, not a credit, not a first this and that, as she cried bitterly in her old age.她不是一个标志,不是一种荣誉,不是第一个任何人。

7.And I looked so serious that Dora was frightened, and began to sob bitterly on my shoulder.我显得很认真,竟把朵拉吓哭了,她靠在我肩上痛苦地抽泣起来。

8.She said bitterly to me that this was as bad as being praised for punctuapty.她忿忿地对我说,这就跟被称赞守时一样糟糕。

9.It was bitterly cold, and after the first pght snows before Christmas there was no snow at all- and no rain.这是寒冷,和之后的第一道曙光积雪在圣诞节前没有降雪和无雨。

10.The whole, a primer designed to give the lay executive a running famiparity with the most bitterly discussed economic question of the day.整篇文章可被当做是专为外行管理人员提供的入门级文章,使他们对当时引发最激烈讨论的经济问题有一个初步的了解。