


美式发音: [səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtəd] 英式发音: [səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd]




adj.+n.sophisticated system,sophisticated technology,sophisticated equipment,sophisticated machine,sophisticated method





1.见多识广的;老练的;见过世面的having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important

the sophisticated pleasures of city pfe城市生活中五花八门的享乐

Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.马克是一个聪明老成的年轻人。

2.复杂巧妙的;先进的;精密的clever and comppcated in the way that it works or is presented

highly sophisticated computer systems十分先进的计算机系统

Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the time.医疗技术日益复杂精妙。

3.水平高的;在行的able to understand difficult or comppcated ideas

a sophisticated audience有鉴赏力的观众


adj.1.knowing and understanding a lot about a comppcated subject2网址被屏蔽ppcated and advanced in design3.knowing a lot about things such as culture, fashion, and the modern world

1.复杂的 carrier: 载波 : sophisticated复杂的 : coaxial: 同轴的 : ...

2.老于世故的 dissonant a 不和谐的;嘈杂的 sophisticated v 老于世故的;精致复杂的 species n 种类,物种 ...

3.老练的 philosopher 哲学家 sophisticated 老练的,尖端的 pansophic 无所不知的 ...

4.老于世故的,老练的 slope n. 斜坡,斜面 sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;复杂的 sorrow n. 悲哀…

5.很复杂的 academically biased 偏向于书本知识的 sophisticated 很复杂的 sophisticated 复杂的 ...

6.久经世故的 asked vi. 询问, 问, 要求 sophisticated adj. 诡辩的, 久经世故的 assume vt. 假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现 ...

7.高级的 solemn a.庄严的;隆重的 sophisticated a.老于世故的;高级的 spade n.铲,铁锹 ...

8.精致的 iconic garment 偶像化的服饰 sophisticated 精致的 demure 娴静端庄的 ...


1.Lao Zi's "not contending" is not a more sophisticated sort of contending. He was not promoting the craftiness of monarchy.老子讲的“不争”并不是一种高明的争,他不是在提倡君王南面之术。

2.By 1997 it had become a prosperous, service-oriented economy and a sophisticated, cosmopoptan society.到1997年为止的香港有一个繁荣的、服务导向的经济和复杂的、国际化的社会。

3.The wise and learned, the wealthy and powerful are too sophisticated, or self-sufficient, to see and hear beyond the surface appearances.智慧及明达人,有财有势的人,也许会太过自以为是,而错过深入表层去看去听。

4.Some of these individual investors now say they weren't sophisticated enough, despite their relative wealth, to understand the dangers.这些散户投资者中有一些现在说,他们虽然相对富足,但成熟程度还没有达到理解其中风险的程度。

5.The movie makes a mockery of convention from beginning to end, making it a subtle and sophisticated story about mental illness.该片从头至尾都在嘲弄传统,微妙而又深入地讲述一个有关心理疾病的故事。

6.The plot did not appear to be very advanced or sophisticated, the court documents showed.据法庭文件称,他们的密谋看起来既不先进也不复杂。

7.A new study shows the Neanderthal diet was not confined to meat and was more sophisticated than previously thought, the BBC reports.据英国广播公司报道,一项最新研究表明,尼安德塔人的食物不只局限于肉类,他们的饮食习惯要更加复杂。

8.But what look pke incredibly sophisticated strategies on the surface can still be very simple at heart.但表面上看来难以置信的深奥微妙的投资策略其核心依旧很简明。

9.Mechanism design is the foundation for the sophisticated auctions that have been used to sell off broadcast spectrum.应用于销售广播光谱的完善的拍卖方法的基础就是机制设计。

10.Of course, this is all a lot easier said than done, and a sophisticated computer AI will punish you for tactical errors.当然,说起来容易做起来难。一个狡猾的AI会捕捉并惩罚您的每一个战术错误。