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1.奔驰 迷你 Mini 梅赛德斯-奔驰 benz 三菱 mitsu ...

6.宾士汽车宾士汽车Benz)瞄准全球豪华小车热潮,匈牙利新厂加码量产小车「CLA」,预计今年第2季引进台湾。(宾士汽车提供)中 …

7.本茨德国本茨(Benz)热熔定形小样机上进行。(3)结晶度(Xc), 结晶度(Xc)数据测定在日本理学电机制造的X-衍射仪2037型上进行。

8.戴姆勒与本茨戴姆勒与本茨Benz)车厂于1926年合并为现在的奔驰车厂。   期间,大保时捷向奔驰建议生产一部大众皆买得起生产型轿车, …


1.So Haug, racing boss of McLaren's works partner Mercedes-Benz, said it is too soon to say that Thursday's form is the beginning of a trend.所以豪格,迈凯轮车队老板的工程合作伙伴奔驰,说现在还太早,无法说,星期四的形式开始了一个趋势。

2.As he jumped out of his car a second time, he saw that the Mercedes-Benz was on the move once again, coming back at them.就在他第二次跳下自己的商务时,他猛然看到奔驰车自己又动了起来,在他们后面向他们走来。

3.Woman: If Dan were a brand, he might be a classic convertible Mercedes Benz.女人:如果丹是一个品牌那他可能会是一款经典的敞篷车就像梅塞德斯.奔驰

4.Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride!当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!

5.'Ah, yes, I did. But I never what a Benz looks pke. How much is it, may I ask? ' Jack's curiosity transfers to the brands.‘啊,听说过,可是,不知道奔驰长什么样。这车多少钱?’杰克的好奇心转向车子的品牌。

6.He said at the time that Mercedes-Benz needed to see what happens to its China sales in September.他当时就认为,梅赛德斯-奔驰需要看看中国9月份的销量才能下结论。

7.in his hand and holding a fine thread also import Cargo - "Benz" , and sometimes needs to be hanging from the ridge to the banks.他手中的细麻线还牵着一辆进口货——“奔驰”,有时还需从埂畔往上吊。

8.And the company named by Carl Benz's name - Benz become a international corporation, it also hold a large piece of the motor vehicle market.而以卡尔奔驰命名的奔驰车成长为国际性公司并一直占据汽车市场的很大份额。

9."Even 20 to 25 years ago in Togo there were a lot of women in business who were referred to as 'Nana Benz, '" he said.他说:“在20至25年前的多哥,就有许多妇女从商,当时她们被称为NanaBenz(奔驰娘娘)。”

10.Life does not say that you don't have much money you can't pve, also did not say you must buy Benz BMW.生活并没有说你钱不多你就活不下去,也没有说你一定要买奔驰宝马。