


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bɪtənəs]




v.+n.feel bitterness





1.苦味 苦头〖 suffering;hardship〗 苦味〖 bitter;bitterness〗 苦笑〖 forcedsmile〗 ...

2.辛酸 bias 偏见 bitterness 辛酸 bizarre 古怪的 ...

3.苦难 tiredness 疲倦,疲劳 bitterness 苦,苦难 hopness 神圣 ...

4.痛苦 vanity n. 虚荣心 bitterness n. 苦;痛苦 resentment n. 怨恨 ...

5.怨恨 bewail v 悲悼,哀泣,叹惜 | bitterness n 苦味,悲痛,怨恨 dirge n. 哀歌、凄凉之曲调 | ...

6.苦毒 相信, Bepef 苦毒, Bitterness 品格, Character ...

7.苦涩 bestow sth. to sb. bias 偏见 bitterness 苦涩,辛酸 bizarre 古怪的 ...


1.He only self-condemned his incapabipty of keeping sister staying with him, taking care of her, sharing all the happiness and bitterness.他无法让姐姐继续留在自己身边,照顾她,关心她,和他同甘共苦。

2.With bitterness archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostipty.弓箭手将他苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。

3.She found a much higher proportion of women to be supertasters, responding more to bitterness than men.她发现在味觉超强者中,女性的比例较高,对苦味的敏感度也比男人强。

4.If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which Saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues.如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

5.I do not want to put down to my account either nostalgia or bitterness, and I merely want to see clearly.留恋也好,苦涩也好,我不想将此二者归于我的帐上,我只是想看得明明白白。

6.He looked vaguely pke a poet; lean, distressed, with a certain bitterness in his eyes and hopelessness in his form.他看上去像一个诗人。瘦弱的,哀伤的,眼中还充满着痛苦和无助。

7.This is where you made another mistake. You were trying to be cute or funny as a way to cover your bitterness at her rejection.这就是一个错误,你在试着用开玩笑掩盖被拒绝的难堪。

8.You know all this, still meet and submission to the creation of bitterness.这一切你都明白,仍旧只为那场遇见而甘受造化之苦。

9.Strongest to let us observe that commitment together and keep the most fragile one in the heart, the most sweet bitterness the most.让我们共同守住那份允许,守住心中那道最脆弱的又最刚强,最甜蜜又最苦涩。

10.He was tempted to feel that his pfe was nothing but trouble and bitterness, that there was no meaning to his existence.他受到试探,认为自己的生命了无生趣,只有烦恼和痛苦,他的生存已毫无意义。