


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɑrko]





1.马可 Maple 许秋怡 Marco 魏骏杰 Margie 曾华倩 ...



1.Jing-Chu network news (AFP) with China as the only two players to be called "masters" who can be against Marco Fu shows.荆楚网消息(楚天都市报)同为中国选手中仅有的两位能称得上“大师”的人物,傅家俊对可谓惺惺相惜。

2.Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report.报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。

3.During the war, Marco was the captain of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put into prison.在战争中,马可成为一艘战舰的舰长,但不幸被俘入狱。

4.Marco Polo also mentioned the town in the account of his travels as one of the most prosperous he saw.马可波罗在他的见闻录中提到,这里是他见过的最繁华的城镇之一。

5.Marco Annunziata, chief economist at UniCredit, said the main message from the weekend summit had been very pragmatic.意大利联合信贷银行(UniCredit)首席经济学家马可•阿隆齐奥塔(MarcoAnnunziata)表示,从周末峰会上传出的主要信息非常务实。

6.His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilpance, and strength.他的名著的马可波罗游记,表明他是一个非凡的勇敢,辉煌的人,和力量。

7.Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends.不久,年轻的马可-波罗就成了这位大帝的宠臣和一位最受信赖的朋友。

8.In Marco Polo's case, the story seems to be of his own creation.马可波罗的故事让人们觉得仿佛是他的亲身经历一样。

9.The prisoner was an author and he took dictation while Marco told all his stories to him.那个囚徒是位作家,他鼓励马克把所有的事情都讲给他听,然后写作成书。

10.While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.他在监狱中结识了一位名叫鲁斯蒂契亚诺的作家。这位作家把马可-波罗口述的长篇旅游故事都记了下来。