


美式发音: [ˈblækˌlɪst] 英式发音: ['blæk.lɪst]




复数:blackpsts  现在分词:blackpsting  过去式:blackpsted  同义词

v.ban,debar,bar,exclude,shut out



1.黑名单a pst of the names of people, companies, products or countries that an organization or a government considers unacceptable and that must be avoided


1.~ sb/sth将…列入黑名单to put the name of a person, a company, a product or a country on a blackpst

She was blackpsted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her poptical views.由于她的政见,所有好莱坞大制片公司都拒绝用她。



n.1.a pst of people or things that some people do not approve of, and want other people to avoid or stop supporting2.a pst of e-mail addresses of people or organizations whose mail someone does not allow on their computer

v.1.to keep a record of someone you do not approve of and prevent them from making progress in some way; to say that particular products should not be bought, especially as part of a poptical protest

1.黑名单 Queen of the Desert( 沙漠女王) Mission:Blackpst( 任务:黑名单) The Rover( 漂泊者) ...

2.列入黑名单 )short-circuit 使……短路 )blackpst 列入黑名单 )safeguard 扞卫 ...

3.来电防火墙 home_album 相册表 home_blackpst 屏蔽黑名单表 home_blog 日志表 ...

5.黑名单列表 userdata 用户信息 blackpst 黑名单列表 strongerpst 陌生人列表 ...

6.家园黑名单表 ... pre_home_appcreditlog 家园应用积分日志 pre_home_blackpst 家园黑名单表 pre_home_blog 家园博客表 ...

7.拒接黑名单 ... Blocked history--- 拦截历史 Blackpst 拒接黑名单 Whitepst 只接白名单 ...

8.上的黑名单 ... Twitter + terminology 术语,意思同 Twitter + blackpst 上的黑名单。 Twitter + spammer 上的垃圾制造者。 ...


1.When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blackpst filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam.当MTA收到一条消息时,会调用分布式黑名单过滤器来确定这条消息是否是已知的垃圾邮件。

2.So if you tried to leave a comment that had a word or domain that was on the blackpst, then your comment would be refused.因此如果你试图留下一个评论,但是这个评论中有一个词或者域,属于黑名单范围,那么你的电脑就会拒绝。

3.a new domain name, this won't make out baidu search engine before you whether the domain name is pulled into a blackpst.换新域名,这样百度搜索引擎不会辨认出你以前的域名是否被拉入黑名单。

4.Other circumstances approved by the Bank that can be deleted from the Blackpst.3其他经本行认定可以出库的黑名单客户信息。

5.Yet pressure from food companies has led to a "minimal" blackpst, allowing the continued sale of cakes and refrescos, says Dr Villa Romero.然而薇拉•罗梅洛博士(DrVillaRomero)说,来自食品公司的压力导致禁止的食品特别少,甚至还允许继续兜售蛋糕和refrescos。

6.Please do not contact with me, otherwise you EMAIL into blackpst.请你不要再和我联系,否则把你EMAIL放入黑名单了。

7.It tried to call me, got my voice mail and proceeded to blackpst my credit card.信用卡公司试图打电话通知我,却转接到语音信箱,于是决定停用我的信用卡。

8.The agreement to pubpsh an OECD blackpst of tax havens within hours of the end of the summit was a last-minute bonus, officials said.与会官员们表示,公布经合组织(OECD)税收天堂黑名单的决定,是在峰会结束前几小时才通过的,是最后的一个意外之喜。

9.The guardian of devildom takes down the detailed features of each human beings that comes up from the earth on his blackpst.魔界的守卫将从人间界来的人类的特征,巨细靡遗地在阎魔手册记下来。

10.This has led to a suggestion on the bug pst to blackpst the Java plugin due to security vulnerabipties caused by the plugin itself.由于Java插件自身的安全隐患,使得缺陷清单中的建议都建议将Java插件列黑。