

mess up

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复数:mess-ups  同义词




na.1.to make a mistake, or to do sth. badly2.to make sth. dirty or untidy3.<informal>to be the cause of sb.’s physical, emotional, or mental problems4.to damage or spoil sth.1.to make a mistake, or to do sth. badly2.to make sth. dirty or untidy3.<informal>to be the cause of sb.’s physical, emotional, or mental problems4.to damage or spoil sth.

1.混乱 messtin 饭盒 mess-up [口]混乱 be atmess 在食堂吃饭 ...

2.乱七八糟 ... 买麻藤纲 Gnetophyta 乱七八糟 mess-up 乱七八糟 pell-mell ...

3.制造混乱者第六个层次“制造混乱者”(mess-up)这样的未成年人似乎没有什么好事,他们总是会惹一些麻烦,如违反学校的规定,不听从 …


1.I shall never again mess up the kitchen. Please let me down!我再也不在厨房里捣乱了,放我下来吧!

2.For asset stories, we want at least to see competent management that won't mess up the value of the assets we've identified.关于资产的故事,我们至少想看到不会把我们认可的资产价值搞糟的、胜任的管理团队。

3.Even if someone fell down, and that also doesn't affect their appetite, cpmb from the ground up, and began to mess up.即使有人摔倒了,那也丝毫不会影响他们的兴致,从地上爬起来,又开始乱蹦了。

4.Any one of these installations can mess up the boot routine, and getting a working installation back isn't always so easy.任何这样的安装都能扰乱引导程序,将一个运行良好的系统回复原状并不是那么容易的。

5.Doug: See, that's what I'm saying. This is just a warm-up before your next big interview. Even if you mess up you'll have learned something.道格:看吧,这就是我的意思。这只是为你的下一个重要面试热热身。就算你搞砸了,你也会学到一些东西。

6.You'll stop thinking of God as someone looking down from heaven, ready to yell, "Gotcha! " anytime you mess up.如同某人从天空往下看时,你将不会想起上帝,准备着大声喊叫吧,“Gotcha”,在你陷入困境的任何时候。

7.The miptary surely has its eye on this, although adding much in the way of a payload may mess up the power-to-weight balance.军队绝对会对这项技术感兴趣,尽管增加有效载荷可能会破坏动力和重量之间的平衡。

8.Be easy. People mess up sometimes. Your grace in overlooking the mistakes and flaws of your friends will elevate you to sainthood.把事情看开点。每个人都有把事情搞砸的时候。宽容好友的缺点与瑕疵,这种风度会将你提升至圣人的高度。

9.If you mess up and Mom catches you, the first thing she does is to take a few days to figure out what your punishment should be.要是你捣乱被她逮住,她首先会花若干天来考虑合适的量刑。

10.A special version of a normal request Ping which some idiot thought up to mess up unsuspecting hosts.一个正常的请求Ping的命令,就像傻瓜允许披着狼皮的羊粗暴地对待可怜的主人。