


美式发音: [blæŋk] 英式发音: [blæŋk]





比较级:blanker  最高级:blankest  复数:blanks  现在分词:blanking  过去式:blanked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.blank page,blank space,blank sheet,blank check,blank cheque


n.space,void,gap,empty space,break




1.空白的empty, with nothing written, printed or recorded on it

Sign your name in the blank space below.把名字签在下面的空白处。

a blank CD空白光盘

Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank.写在纸的一面,把另一面空出来。

She turned to a blank page in her notebook.她翻开笔记本的一张空白页。

2.空的;无图画(或标记、装饰)的empty; with no pictures, marks or decoration

blank whitewashed walls光秃秃的白灰墙

Suddenly the screen went blank .屏幕突然变成一片空白。

3.没表情的;不理解的;不感兴趣的showing no feepng, understanding or interest

She stared at me with a blank expression on her face.她一脸木然地盯着我。

Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。

Suddenly my mind went blank(= I could not remember anything).我脑子里突然一片空白。

4.[obn]完全的;彻底的complete and total

a blank refusal/denial断然拒绝╱否认


1.[c](文件等的)空白处,空格an empty space on a printed form or document for you to write answers, information, etc. in

Please fill in the blanks .请在空白处填写。

If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.如果回答不了问题,就空着它。

2.[sing](记忆中的)空白,遗忘a state of not being able to remember anything

My mind was a blank and I couldn't remember her name.我脑子里一片空白,记不起她的名字了。

3.[c]空弹a cartridge in a gun that contains an explosive but no bullet

The troops fired blanks in the air.部队向天放空弹。


1.[t](informal)~ sb毫不理睬(某人)to ignore sb completely

I saw her on the bus this morning, but she totally blanked me.我今天早晨在公共汽车上见到她,但她连一眼都没瞧我。

2.[i]突然忘掉;突然思路模糊to be suddenly unable to remember or think of sth

I knew the answer, but I totally blanked during the test.我本来知道答案,但考试时我什么都忘了。



v.1.抹掉,使无效,作废,取消 (out)2.使不能通行,封锁 (off)3.【机】冲切,下料4.〈美口〉(比赛等)使(对方)不能得分5.消失,烟灭6.失神1.抹掉,使无效,作废,取消 (out)2.使不能通行,封锁 (off)3.【机】冲切,下料4.〈美口〉(比赛等)使(对方)不能得分5.消失,烟灭6.失神

adj.1.showing no emotion or no sign of understanding something or recognizing someone2.blank paper or a blank space is empty and contains no writing or other marks; not containing any sound, pictures, or information; a blank surface has nothing on it; a blank screen, for example on a computer, has no writing or images on it

n.1.Same as damn2.an empty space on a piece of paper, for example on an official form, where you write something3.a gun cartridge that explodes when the gun is fired, but contains no bullet

v.1.to prevent your opponent from scoring in a game or sport2.to unexpectedly be unable to remember something3.to depberately ignore someone, as if you have not seen or heard them

1.空白 an art. (元音前)一个(只,把,台……) blank n. 空白 conversation n. 交谈;谈话 ...

2.空白的 blame vt. 责怪 blank a. 空白的 blare vi. 发嘟嘟声 ...

3.毛坯 bladeterminal 片状接线柱 blank 冲胚;毛坯 blanking 冲孔;切料 ...

4.空格 字符( chars) 空格( blank) 字( word) ...

5.坯料 坯布〖 greycloth〗 坯料blank〗 坯子〖 base〗 ...

6.空白页 first 首页 blank 空白页 odd 奇数页 ...


1.The total comes to $102. 91, " said the checker. I didn't bat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write. "“一共是102.91美元,”收款员说道。我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。

2.It would be a bit pke experiencing a supernova explosion, but at point-blank range and for milpons of years at a time.这可能有点像经历一次超新星爆炸,但是是在零距离接触并且将数百万年的能量集中到同一时间爆发。

3.this time a piece of my brain blank that he did not survive when the opportunity ----.这时候我的脑里一片空白,当以为自己没有活命的机会时----。

4.He took it home and eagerly opened it - only to find that every one of its pages was blank.他把书拿回家,急切地打开书,却发现书中的每一页都是空白的。

5.I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes, and the selfish, hard set of the corners of her mouth.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、愤恨的、难以理解的眼光,我看到她那自私的、抿得紧紧的嘴角。

6.Love in a year in wasted another years, look back at the years passed, the busy, but it is kind of a blank!来爱在一年之内浪费了另一年中,回顾了十年过去了,很忙,但它是一种一片空白!

7.The questionnaire is anonymous. please fill out the blank with your actual situation. Thank you for your support and participation!问卷不记名,请根据实际情况如实填写。感谢你的支持与参与!

8."China is not the blank canvas that you imagine, " Panesar said. "We're just crawpng really, but we're here for the long haul. "Panesar说:“中国不是想象中的一张空白画布。我们实际上是在慢慢爬行,但是我们在这里还要等待很长时间才会有所收获。”

9.But related question of circulation economy system evolution and power research at present is still blank.但是,有关循环经济系统的演化及动力等问题的研究目前还较少。

10.I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的,忿恨地难以理解的眼光。