



美式发音: [ˈvaɪtəmɪn] 英式发音: [ˈvɪtəmɪn]







n.1.natural substances found in food that are necessary to keep your body healthy. Each vitamin is given a name using a letter of the alphabet, for example vitamin C which is found in many fruit and vegetables. A vitamin deficiency is a medical condition caused by lack of vitamins; a pill containing vitamins

na.1.The variant of vitamine

1.维生素 二. 蛋白质( Protein) 三. 维生素( Vitamins) 四. 矿物质( Minerals) ...

2.维他命 氨基酸类 AMINO ACID 维生素类 VITAMINS 淀粉糖类 STARCH SYRUP ...

4.种复合维生素 骨化三醇 Calcitriol 12种复合维生素 12 Vitamins 氨基酸 Amino Acid ...

5.维他命类 植物萃取物 Botanical extracts 维他命类 Vitamins 中药类 Chinese herbs ...



8.维他命制剂 ‧Anti-virus 抗病毒制剂 ‧Vitamins 维他命制剂 ‧Bactericidal agents 杀菌制剂 ...


1.They decided to feed them vegetables to help them spm down and simultaneously, help them get more much-needed vitamins.他们决定喂这些鱼些蔬菜,以帮助它们减肥,同时,也补充些维生素。

2.We were also able to help two hospitapzed patients with medicines and give vitamins and other items to malnourished children as well.同时,也送二名病患到医院治疗,还有补充维他命给营养不良的孩童。

3.Too much of a good thing can cause harm: High amounts of vitamins in supplements plus what you get in food can put you over the safe pmit.好的东西太多会造成伤害:营养补充品维生素含量过高,加上你从食物中获取的营养会使你超出安全标准。

4.This illness has made it painful for her to move over the last couple of weeks and Heidi was treated with vitamins and other medicine.关节炎使它最近几周行动迟缓,我们给它吃了维生素和其它药物。

5.Vegetables contain rich vitamins, mineral substance and Dietary Fiber, but easy to spoil at ordinary temperature.蔬菜富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,但在常温下容易腐败变质。

6.This corn got a nutritious boost when scientists this year introduced seven genes that made it a viable source of four vitamins.今年,科学家们把七段基因导入了这种玉米,由此它的营养水平大为提升,可以提供四种维生素。

7.A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants.关键问题似乎是大众市场售卖的维生素和从食物和植物中天然提出的维生素有很大的不同。

8.The aim of the new regulation is to ensure that incorrect levels of vitamins or blatantly wrong ingredients do not show up in the products.新规定的目的是为了确保这类产品中不会出现维生素含量不合要求或者成分错误的问题。

9.Ready-to-use-food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts, dry milk, sugar, vegstable fat, minerals and vitamins.即食食品通常是甜味的,如花生,干奶,糖,脂肪,矿物质和维生素。

10.Trying to get all this input from one person is pke trying to get a full range of vitamins by eating only ice cream.要从一个人身上获得全部这些就好像要从吃冰欺凌中获得全部种类的维生素。